October 30: Don't Fall For Him

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My screams rang throughout the elevator as terror fills me, my body freezing as I'm attacked. Michael and Leo's screams are desperate as they try to pry open the elevator, attempting to save me from whatever crazed enemy was attacking me. Bear's laughter stops the boys from banging, questions filling the air as I look down. What I thought was a horrific bug was just his hand, tricking me into thinking I was about to die a dreadful, bug-filled death. Annoyance fills me as I swat him away, walking to the opposite side of the elevator.

"Bastard," I mumble, but not quietly enough because Bear's head snaps towards me. He glares, but it's more playful than angry.

"What was that, Cheese ass?" He crawls closer, a smirk on his lips.

"I said," I pause for dramatic effect, leaning in," Bastard."

Bear tackles me, my back hitting the carpeted floor. Before I knew what was happening, his hands were at my sides and his fingers are sending waves of laughter through me. He tickled quickly, not even budging when my hands pushed against him. I screamed out in laughter, trying my hardest attempt to free myself from the torture. He laughs along, his green eyes bright.

"Bear p-please!" I try to crawl away but he grabs my hips, pulling me back.

"What's the magic word?" He pauses for a moment, letting me catch my breath, but his hands remain firmly on my hips. I roll my eyes, not entertained. I purse my lips, not giving in.

"I said," his hands tickle my sides slightly, catching me off guard, "what's the magic word?"

"How in the Jesus loving fuck am I supposed to know?" I push on his chest, attempting to move him off.

"Guess I can't stop" He shrugs before attacking my sides again, causing me to scream out, pushing his hands away roughly. Not suspecting this, Bear falls in a flash, his body crushing mine.

"Oh my god, get off, you lard ass!" I scream, laughter filling me. His laughter soon joins as he props up on his elbow, his face inches from mine. My breath gets caught in my throat as his eyes meet mine, brown strands of hair falling messily in his face. I reach up and brush it back, my hand lingering on his temple. He watches me carefully as I lower my hand, blushing.

"Pineapple juice." His voice is a whisper as he scans my face, his eyelashes fluttering as he looks my face over.

"What?" I bite my lip, confused.

"Our magic word, it's pineapple juice." He licks his lips, the movement sending shivers down my spine with lust. I reach up and caress his jaw, the stubble tickling my fingers. He hums quickly, leaning into my hand, his lips just out of my reach. My heart beats hard as our eyes meet again, capturing my soul in them before he closes them, leaning down slowly. Its as if time has suddenly come to a stop. His soft lips met mine, a thousand lightning bolts struck my stomach, tingles jolting through my body. His lips danced against mine, a slow and passionate waltz.

He pulled away sooner than I'd like, leaving me breathless and wanting more. He looked down at me shocked, as though he didn't have control of his body moments before. His chest heaved up and down, still covered in cottage cheese. He glanced at my lips once more before getting off me, awkwardly coughing and looking away.

He sits up slowly, still not looking at me. I blush furiously and cover my face with my hands, attempting to slow my rapid heartbeats. I hear some shuffling but don't remove my hands, too embarrassed. There's some tapping on Bear's phone, then he begins to talk to the person on the other side, asking when we'll be rescued.

The air was thick with tension, almost suffocating me with awkwardness. I uncover my face slowly, glancing at Bear. His eyes are on me, his face expressionless as he stares at me. Questions fill my mind as I try to process what just happened. Why'd he kiss me? Why did I let him? Why did he react like that? One question shocks me as I think it, but before I could stop myself, I ask.

"Why don't you believe in love?" The question seems to snap Bear out of whatever trance he was in, his eyes becoming hard.

"My brother loved once, it got him killed. I've learned from his mistakes." Bear's voice is cold as he glares at the wall, his face like stone.

"So you believe, you're just afraid," I say softly, sitting up.

"Love is bullshit." He growls angrily, glaring at me with dangerous eyes. I shut my mouth and turn away, feeling bad for asking. Bear sighs, running a hand through his thick brown hair.

"Look, I'm sorry. I just don't want to end up like him." His voice is filled with sorrow as he speaks, my heart aching for him. I nod in understanding, giving him a small smile.

"I get it, don't worry." I smile slightly towards him, and he returns it with his own.

"And I'm sorry for your loss..." I play with my hair slightly, looking down.

"Don't be. It's been three years," His voice is soft, looking at me curiously.

"Time has nothing to do with healing. You could be just as hurt today as the day it happened. And it's okay if you are, that just makes you human."

"What if I don't want to be human?" His question leaves me flabbergasted, not sure what to say next. He turns, looking at the wall next to him again. I reach over slowly, going undetected and pinch his arm.

"Ow! What the fuck, Cheese?!" He's glaring at me as I smile innocently.

"You felt that?"

"Of course I did, you idiot!"

"Well, then I guess you're more human than you think." I shrug, turning towards the doors. I may have been tickled too much and have gone crazy, or Bear is smiling in the corner of my eye.

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