Novermber 1: Don't Fight Michael

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          My screams ring through the air as Michael's train-wreck of a car flies down the street. Tires squeal as he makes a sharp turn, sliding into a parking lot. I breathe heavily, my knuckles turning white from grasping the "oh shit" bar, also known as the handle above your window. People watch curiously as Michael puts the car in park, happily getting out. If I didn't know any better, I could've sworn we lost a hubcap, or maybe an entire tire.

          Michael is pulling open my door by the time the world is done spinning. I step out of the car, Michael smiling big as he takes in the view ahead of us. It's a bar. Why am I not surprised?

          "Michael, what are we doing here? I'm really not in the mood after yesterday's fiasco." I play with my new necklace as I speak, embarrassment filling me. They gave me a handcuff key because I was helpless yesterday, and if it were to happen again, I at least had this to help me escape.

          "Everyone has been blaming themselves for the failed mission yesterday, but deep down we all know that I'm to blame. If I would've just stayed put instead of getting cocky, everything would've worked out."

          "Yes, yesterday was a catastrophe. Which is what gave me this idea!" We make our way inside, the smell of stale beers and dirt makes its way through the air. Music plays softly in the background, maybe 10 voices speak over it. We make our way to the bar, the wooden floors creak underfoot. I slide onto one of the stools, the cushion breathing out heavily as I shift my weight on it. Michael orders a beer, continuing to stand.

        "Michael, can you please explain now?" The bartender, John, twists the lid off of Michaels beer before sliding it over the counter to him. Michael thanks him before grabbing the glass bottle and walking up behind the biggest guy in the bar.

          "You need to learn how to defend yourself." My eyes widen in realization but it's too late, Michael's insanity has already started. Michael slowly tops the beer, the cool alcohol sliding down the man's head and back. The last of the beverage is shaken out, Michael making sure every drop it out before he slaps the back of the man's head with the bottle. Glass shatters everywhere as the man tenses, Michael smiles and wiggles his fingers at the man, instigating the situation.

          The man slowly stands, towering over Michael, whom stands at a whopping 6'2". Michael sends a wink my way as the man pulls back his first, ready to knock Michael into next week. The man swings, but Michael is too fast for him. Michael arches back swiftly, avoiding the attack before he pushes the man's swinging fist further, cocking back his own arm. Michaels fist slams into the man's throat, causing the man to start choking to breathe.

          Michael quickly, but gracefully, walks behind the man and kicks the back of his knee, sending him to the floor. Michael wraps his pale hands around the man's head, and with one swift motion, takes the man's life in less than 30 seconds. The lifeless body falls to the floor, everyone in the bar silent as we all stare in horror. Michael turns and takes a bow, his smile a mile wide as the man's friends creep up beside him.

          My heart beats hard and my feet move before I can think, soon I'm clung to the back of a big, beefy man trying to harm Michael. I scream my warrior scream and pound on the man's head, but my attacks have little to no affect on the man. He swings at Michael, but Michael dodges out of the way, pulling the man's arm forward so he stumbles. Michaels movements are slick, making sure not to hurt me while also protecting himself from injury.

          The man stumbles forward, momentarily distracted. I reach down and grab a beer bottle, using all of my force to slam it on the man's head. Nothing. It didn't break? I smack him again, the man beginning to attempt to claw or fling me off. Realization dawned on me as I hurriedly twist the lid off, a loud pop sounding through the air before I slam the bottle down on his head again.

          Glass shatters, falling around our bottles. He becomes dizzy, stumbling around as though he were about to pass out. I take the broken bottle and plunge it into his collar, blood squirting everywhere as I do so. Horror and dread fill my body as his knees buckle, before his corpse falls to the floor.

          I look around quickly, tears filling my eyes, threatening to fall. Michael stares at me in wonder, three bodies laying on the floor around him. If they're alive, I'm not sure. The bounces come barging in, trying to push their way through the crowd to get to us. The bartender whispers on the phone, hiding behind the bar. Sirens ring outside, causing me to curse. Michael grabs my hand, examining it. It's covered in blood, but more than it should be from the fight. I'm injured. Michael grabs my wrist, hurrying my into the bathroom before slamming the door shut, locking it.

I rush to the sink, tears now making their way down my cheeks. Not because of pain, no. Adrenaline is coursing through my veins, I can't feel a thing. No, these tears are for the realization of what I've done. I've just taken someone's life without thinking twice. My blood and the man's blood swirl around the water before washing down the drain, a nasty cut on my pinky. There it is. The constant reminder for the rest of my life of the moment I took an innocent life. Michael tugs my gently away from the sink, wrapping a cloth he probably swiped from the bar around my injured hand. It burns now, left over alcohol soaking into the wound.

          "We need to get out of here, Tessa. Can you do that? I need you to focus." Michael's voice is urgent, but soft. I nod, shaking my head of these pitiful thoughts. I can't get Michael caught, I'll never see him again if he does. Michael slides his shirt off, wrapping it around his fist before punching the only window in the bathroom. The window is a rectangle at the top of the wall, just big enough for us to slide through. Michael clears the glass and tugs himself up, immediately turning to get me. I jump up, meeting his hands with my own before climbing up the wall. Pain travels through my hand but I can't focus on that, we need to get to safety. I'm halfway through the window when the door breaks down.

Michael gives one last tug and...

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