November 5: Don't Shoot

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          I've never been shot before. I mean who can really say they have? It's an unusual feeling, the bullet hitting you in the chest. The pain exploding through you, but the pain isn't just from the lead trying to kill me. No, part of the pain is knowing the person I trust the most is on the other side of the gun.

       Bear stands above me, gun aimed at my chest, smoke coming out of the end. Tears well up in my eyes, as I stare up at him, not believing what he just did. My hand meets my chest, the hot bullet lodged inside.

          "Is this really necessary?" I groan, standing from the floor, dusting off my pants. I readjust the bullet proof vest, the bullet falling from it.

          "Look, Michel was right, in the wrong way. You do need to learn to defend yourself, but NOT in an actual dangerous situation." Bear glares at Michael, who smiles innocently.

         "Look, one more and we can move on, okay?" Bear holds up the gun again, me once more. I step back nervously, my heart beating hard. What is he misses? Is he nervous? Does he enjoy this? Does it send excitement down his spine?

          Bear breathes out, his finger dancing on the trigger. Is it scary, I want to ask him. To shoot your friend in the chest, afraid you could miss. Does he consider us friends?

          Bear pulls the trigger.

          The breath I didn't know I was holding pushed it's way through my body, escaping my lips as my body falls backwards. I hit the ground hard, the impact on my chest more than likely leaving a bruise. I cough, trying to breathe as I lie there, staring forward. My last question ringing through my mind. Does he consider us friends?

          Bear snaps his fingers in front of my face, an eyebrow raised.

          "You alright, Cheese?" Bear pulls me up, the world spinning slightly.

          "Yeah, just lost in thought." I look around the room, trying to distract myself.

          "Do you wanna shoot now?"


          "Up... Left... Down... Right there!.. Left... Told you to go left." Bear is standing behind me, trying to teach me to shoot. I breathe out slowly, firing again.

          "You're too tense, you need to relax." I roll my eyes, trying again. Just as I'm about to shoot, Bears hands are on my waist. He turns me slightly, spreading my feet just a bit with his own. His hands slide up my waist and up my shoulders, then down my arms and to may hands. His body engulfs mine as we hold the gun together, his scent surrounding me. The gun isn't shaking anymore, but firmly pointed at the target ahead. He leans down, his lips grazing my ear as he whispers.



          The bullet hits the paper man in the head, surprising me. I smile big as I look up at Bear, a small smirk on his face.

          "Tessa, you lucky bitch." Michael's voice scares us both, causing us to step away from one another quickly.

         "You know Bear, I've been meaning to practice my aim. Maybe you can train me next." Michael winks at Bear, a cocky smile on his face.

           "Fuck off."


          Bear's eyes glare at me intensely as I swing at him again, barely missing his face. He turns, bending over and grabbing the small bouncing ball, a smirk on his face.

          "You know, the point of ping-pong is to keep the ball on the table." He bounces the ball softly before tapping it towards me. I know, this training isn't exactly what we were supposed to be working on, but is a whole lot more fun.

          "Yeah, if you wanna play like a weeb!" I thrust my paddle against the tiny ball, a loud 'SMACK' sounding through the air as Michael takes yet another ball to the face. He whines and rubs his head, glaring at me.

          "Okay, maybe we SHOULD play your way." Bear smiles big, grabbing the next ball. I hold my paddle high in the air and turn my face to the right dramatically, slowly lowering the paddle so it's just in front of my nose.

          "So you think you can defeat me, aye? Pitiful, you have no power here, mortal!" Michael stares in horror as Bear makes his way back to the table.

          "Tessa, you're such a dork. We've got actual training to do and don't have time f-"

          "Don't worry your pretty face, I will avenge you, my love!" Bear points his paddle at Michael before sending the ball flying towards me. I scream and duck, the small object wizzing pst my head.

          "Okay, maybe we can stick around for a bit." Michael leans forward, his full attention in our game.

          "You prove to be a worthy opponent, but you shall be left disappointed." I swing hard, completely missing the ball as it bounces away. Michael bursts into a laughing fit as my cheeks heat up. I pick the ball up and try again.

          "You haven't even seen my true power!" I jump this time, slamming the ball across the room and at Bear. He sends it right back, surprising me. It bounces high off the floor, giving me just enough time to send it back to Bear. It smacks his chest before plummeting to the floor.

          "I made it my goal that day, that I would eradicate every last one of you!" Bear screams, the ball smacking off the table and hitting the ceiling, causing us all to duck for cover. The ball soon lands, rolling under the table in front of me.

          I grab it and stand, about to destroy Bear's world when my eyes meet his. Time slows down as his green eyes shine bright with happiness, his smile making my heart melt. To say I have butterflies is an understatement. My entire body ignites in a wonderful sensation, my heart beating so loud In almost sure the walls are shaking.

          I blink once. Twice. Then time is back and I'm sending the ball flying. Bear sends it back with just as much force, causing me to jump to hit it. The game is no longer played on the table, but the entire room. It rockets past Bear, Michael hiding behind a pillow on the couch.

          "Ancestors, give me the strength to win against the evils I face!" Bear yells, about to send my pride through the floor when Leo walks in, murmuring about Devins location being tracked as we speak.

          "You're lucky, Cheese. I was about to rock your world."

          "You're gonna have to try a little harder than that, Teddy."

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