Unknown: Save Me

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The first thing I noticed when I woke was the copper taste of blood that filled my mouth. I force my eyes open, groaning quietly. Another groan followed, but this one wasn't mine. I look up quickly, my eyes widen as realization dawns on me. I've not only been kidnapped, but so has Michael. Michael's head rolls back, another groan leaving his bloody mouth.

"Fuck." He says, his voice sounding like he swallowed a bunch of nails. He slowly opened his eyes and looks around for a moment before they land on me. Shock, confusion, and anger make their way across his face as he looks me over.

"No..." He said, his hazel eyes meeting my brown ones. Tears stream down my face as I open my mouth to say something, anything, but no words come out. He looks down at his metal chains, angrily tugging on them. As he thrashes in attempt to free himself, I look around to find a way out. Dirt, dust, and dead bugs litter the floor, making it smell like a dumpster. The room is stuffy, dark, and a slight breeze sends dust everywhere. There are two squares in the middle of the floor, four giant cylinders came out of the roof and were in each corner. There was a large, grey door with no way to open it.

Michael growls and stops tugging, his wrists now red and bruising. He looks up at me, his eyes full of worry.

"Are you okay?" I open my mouth to answer, only to be interrupted by a loud 'CLANG' sound. I look down, my cold chains now on the floor. I look up, Michael's also falling to the floor. I rush forward, his arms making their way around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly, sobbing into his shoulder. He spoke quietly to me, his hands petting my hair softly. We stay like this for a few minutes, just clinging to one another. He pulls back first, smiling down at me.

"I'm going to get you out." He promises, my mind rewinding to the day in the elevator, Bear's promise rings in my head as I nod at Michael. He steps back, slowly looking around. He makes his way towards the door, one of his feet stepping on a square. It sinks into the floor slightly before going back to normal once Michael removes his foot. He steps on it again, before completely stepping on it. His weight pushes the square down, causing the door to open slightly. I rush over and grab it, attempting to open it.

Michael rushes forward, causing the door to shut on my arm. I scream out in pain as the cool metal presses hard against my small arm. Michael quickly stands back on the square, making the door open and allowing me to pull my arm away. I hug it to my chest, biting my lip to stop another scream. Michael walks hurriedly to me, pulling my left arm to him.

"Ah, shit! I'm so sorry Tessa! I didn't know!" His eyes meet mine, pleading for forgiveness. I nod, smiling slightly to show I forgive him, biting my lip harder as he presses my now bloody arm lightly.

"I don't think it's broken, just cut up and bruised." He sighs, relieved I wasn't hurt too bad. I nod, hugging my arm back to my chest before walking over to the squares. They were about three feet apart, just big enough to stand on. I lightly step on one, Michael stepping on the other. The door opens fully, making hope rise in me. Michael steps forward to leave, but the door begins to close slowly. he curses and steps back, running a hand through his messy brown hair.

"What now?" Frustration dripping from his voice. I sigh and look around, hoping there was something to help weigh down the squares. When I find nothing, I'm left with one option. I push Michael off his square, putting one of my feet on his and the other on mine. The door opens slowly, but when it fully opens, metal traps come up and clamp around my feet, locking me in. Panic fills me as I look at Michael, hoping he had a solution.

"No no no no!" He yells, rushing down and trying to pull off the traps. He tugged with all his might, but to no avail. I sigh and set my hand on his, pulling him up.

"Go. Get help, I'll be fine." I say, attempting to seem brave. He shook his head, tears filling his eyes.

"No, I can't leave you, I-"

"Michael, please." He looks at me in defeat for a moment before nodding, his cheeks now red and tear-filled.

"I promise I'll come back, Tessa." I nod, hugging him tightly. He holds me close, pulling me to his chest.

"I love you, Tess." He says quietly, one of his tears falling onto my forehead.

"I love you too, Mikey." And with one last squeeze, he steps back and makes his way to the door. As soon as he steps out, the door begins to close quickly and the traps unlock. I rush to the door but it closes before I can get to it. I cry out in frustration before freezing. The sound of water fills my ears as I look back. The cylinders from the roof are now flooding the room with water. I scream out and bang on the metal wall holding me captive. Michael screams back, asking whats happening.

I cry out, the water now around my ankles. Michael pounds on the door, screaming for help. I sob and press my head to the door, my hands slowly stopping their banging. Michael continues to yell, his footsteps pacing back and forth outside. I say his name, desperate for him to hear me.

"Michael." My voice is hoarse as I call out, my throat sore from crying.

"Tessa, are you okay?!"

"Michael, I'll be okay. Go get help." I say, the water just below my knees.

"Tessa, whats happening?!" Desperation fills the air as he calls out, my heart falling to my stomach.

"Michael please, hurry. I'll be fine."

"I swear I'll save you, Tessa!" He yells as he runs away, his footsteps echoing throughout the building. I cough, dust blowing in my face, eyes burning from crying.

"You're my best friend," I whisper to nothing as I lean against the wall, the water now to my thighs. I close my eyes, all hope disappearing as I feel the cool water rise to my hips. I slowly suck in a breath, accepting my fate.

That is until dust fills my lungs.

I cough hard, holding my chest as I squeeze my eyes shut. Where the fuck is all this dust coming from?! And thats when it hit me.

A vent.

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