November 19: Do The Dare

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          Leonardo holds his left hand high, showing off his wedding ring as a bunch of naked women walked up to him with smiles. I shake my head, laughing as he politely asked them to fuck off. Best smirks as he watches Michael shove through the women, trying to get to Preston. Bear walks through the club with a straight face, the "night ladies" making a path for him as he searches.

          "You need a job, hun? You've certainly got the ass for it." An older mean, probably the owner, asks me. I decline, looking around for my friends.

          "Aw, c'mon, toots, let's see you work it." He says, grabbing my arm.

          "You've got to the count of zero to let her go." The click of a gun cocking comes from behind us, scaring the man. Bear stands their, fuming. The man instantly lets go, holding his hands up in surrender. Bear wraps his arm around my waist, leading me away. My heart flutters as he pulls me closer, feeling secure in his embrace.

          Incase you were wondering what we are doing in a place like this, were on a hunt to find Devin. Our newest head hacker, Scotty, was able to get all of Bear's money back. Now, they're out for revenge, these spiteful bastards don't like betrayers. This, just happened to be one of the places that was rumored to be hiding him.

          We make our way through the club, which smelled of sex and sweat, delicious I know. Bear lead me down the VIP hallway, the rooms all of which had a member of our gang searching through it. We finally make it to the last door, Bear pushes it open. It's a smaller version of the front except fewer men. The VIP treatment alright. Bear takes out his gun and points it at the ceiling, firing twice. Everyone scrambled, half naked people running for the exit. I look at him confused before he points to a seat in the front row.

          "Sit." He commands. I do as told, walking over and taking a seat. I watch him with a goofy smile as he climbs on stage, swaying to the music.

          "I never back out of a dare." He swings around the pole very silly. I giggle as he dances horribly, clearly showing off his insane moves. It was all fun and games until he spins the pole once more, his gaze becoming intense as his eyes land on me.

           I hold my breath as he slowly makes his way off stage, his eyes locked on me. His hands slide down his chest before they meet the bottom of his shirt, grabbing it and lifting it off slowly. His muscles flex with every movement, tattoos dancing across his skin as he lifts his shirt off. He tosses his shirt aside, making his way to me. He stops i. front of me, taking my hands and placing them on the rim of his pants.

          "Off." He demands, I nod completely in a trance as I listen to him, my hands fumbling like an idiot. He steps aside before climbing on my lap, straddling me. I blush furiously, not sure what to do. He leans down, kissing my neck as his hands slide under my shirt slightly, grazing my stomach lightly.

           I gasp as he slides o the floor, his torso between my knees. He leans up, his lips barely touching mine before he takes my bottom lip between his teeth, tugging. I close my eyes trying to calm my chaotic heartbeat.

          His hands are suddenly. under my thighs and I'm in the air. My legs wrap around his waist, his lips smashed against mine with so much passion. I slide my hands into his hair, tugging lightly. He lets out a throaty moan, and soon I'm pressed against a wall. Oh my god, I never want this to end.

          "Tessa." My name escapes his lips and I'm in Heaven.

          "Bear, we didn't-OH SHIT!" Michael's teenage girl screams fill the halls as he runs away in excitement.

          "Best dare ever."

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