October 25: Don't Play Truth Or Dare

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I'm stuck in the closet. Literally. When Bear caught me, he locked me in a closet. Michael, luckily, got away. So, there I sat, locked in Bear's closet as he went to shower. Little did he know, I unscrewed his shower head and put a packet of cheese powder from my mac and cheese in it.

There I sat, waiting for the moment Bear opens the door and kills me. Sighing, I look around. There were a lot of suits, that's for sure. I grab a pair of sweatpants from a shelf, the softness from the fabric practically seducing me to put them on. I unfold the sweatpants, a thud scaring me. Looking around, I find the thud came from a key, the metal covered in galaxy paint. Sliding into the sweatpants, I bend over and grab the key, looking in over. It was a simple key, nothing fancy. Looking around, the only other thing in the closet was a wooden chest.

Shrugging, I walk over to the chest and slide the key in. Just as I was about to open it, I hear footsteps. I hurriedly hide the key under a random shirt and look at the door. Michael opened the door, smiling.

"You're finally out of the closet!" He says, laughing.

"Your turn," I say, winking and walking past him quickly before he can lock me back in.

I zip my jacket, smiling as the leather hugged me perfectly. Leonardo kindly bought me some clothes. Apparently, the boys have a poker game with their "gang". I slip on my new boots and smile, I probably look hella badass.

"Actually, you look like trash," Michael calls out, Leonardo smacking his head.

"You look fine," Leonardo says, smiling kindly. I smile at him before flicking Michael off. The last few days have been uneventful as the boys have been doing business events. Fighting off my boredom, I discovered I can write with my feet and left very creative sticky notes all over the apartment for Bear to find.

"Alright, let's go," Bear said, looking me over slowly before rushing out the door. Leonardo followed quickly as I pushed Michael and ran, passing Bear and Leo. Michael chased after me, cursing as Bear sticks his foot out and trips him. Bear burst out laughing as he fell, causing me to laugh along. Leo clicks the button for the elevator, smirking as Michael let out a stream of curse words.

Bear quickly sobered up, going back to his serious self as we made our way outside, all of them slipping sunglasses on. Leo pulled out a woman's pair, studs on the side. I frown and sneak over to Bear, stealing his and slipping mine on him.

"Thanks, Koala," I say, following Michael. He growled but just followed. We walked to Leo's car, Michael calling shotgun as Leo slipped into the driver's seat. I slip in behind Leo, rolling my eyes as Michael begins complaining about Leo not letting him change the radio. Bear slides in smoothly, slamming the door harder than needed.

"I don't understand why I can't change it," Michael says, and soon, there's a full-blown argument between Michael and Leo.

Leo's brown hair peeked over the top of the seat, combed back neatly. Michael's hair is the complete opposite. I wouldn't be surprised if he had just rolled straight out of bed, his red streaks making it almost okay. Bear's brown hair was the perfect balance between the two. His green eyes held a glare at the back of Michael's head, his pink lips holding a frown. Annoyance was clear on his face and Michael was oblivious to it.

Bear glanced at me, catching me staring. I go to look away before he winks and leans forward. Pulling the lever on the side of Michael's seat, the seat and Michael fly forward. A loud thud sounded throughout the car, silencing the argument. Michael's head smacks the dashboard roughly, the only sound in the car was his groans and Bear's sniffles as he tries not to laugh. He sat up slowly, cursing us silently.

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