Thanksgiving: Don't Burp

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Tears made their way down my cheeks as I attempted to catch my breath quietly. I heald my stomach in pain, my body shaking. I slid my phone from my pocket, my hands quivering, trying not to wake the sleeping adults in front of me.

Bear's arm wrapped its way around the figure in front of him, their breathing quiet. Bear snuggled into their neck, his breath causing brown strands of hair to sway. Lifting my phone, I take a picture, the flash waking the person being spooned by Bear himself.

"Sup bitch?" Michael says with a groggy voice, his hand coming up and wiping the sleep from his brown eyes.

"Oh, you know, just getting some blackmail against Bear. Wanna pose?" I wink, Michael going full supermodel as the blanket falls and his naked chest is exposed. Bear hugs Michael tighter as I take pictures, an evil smirk on my face as Michael leans back and kisses Bear's cheek. Bear's eyes flutter open, and to my delight, horrified expression dances across Bear's face as I snap a picture of the two.

"Say cheese!" I say, my finger rapidly clicking the photo button as Bear angrily pushes Michael from the bed. Like Michael, Bear's chest is exposed. I can't take my eyes off his tan chest, tattoos painted on his skin as though he were Van Gogh's life work. I was brought back to reality by Michael's scream to run, a pissed off Bear stomping his way across the room and towards me. I scream and take off out the door, bumping into Damien on the way out.  

Why was Michael in bed with Bear, you ask? Because Bear is a control freak and I like to push his buttons. What does that have to do with Michael and sleeping arrangements? Glad you asked.

We got to Bear's parent's house pretty late last night and it wasn't long before we decided it was time for bed. The problem was, I didn't have anywhere to sleep. The house had a million and one rooms in it but were all preoccupied, as well as the couches, by the gang who also happened to be visiting. Apparently, Thanksgiving was the perfect event to bring the family together. Who knew?

Anyways, Bear insisted I sleep in his room, that he'll sleep on the floor. I argued that it was his room and his family's house, that he should sleep in the bed. His counter argument was that I'm the guest and it would be rude. The argument ended with me asking when he wasn't rude, him flicking my forehead, and me kicking his shin.

Eventually, I convinced Bear to sleep in the bed with me. Then, he fell asleep first and I asked Michael to trade. It all went swell until he woke and nearly killed us. Now? I'm trapped in his office with him, bored out of my mind. Its been hours, and hopefully soon dinner will be ready. So until then, I spin. I spin and spin in his office chair, my head dizzy.

"Cheese, can you stop? That's very distracting." I groan, stopping the chair. It takes a second for the world to get back to normal, and when it does, I realize I'm almost sideways. Bear chuckles at me before going back to, I don't even know. Whatever Bear does. I begin to play with his zen garden, taking the little rake-thing and drawing lines everywhere.

"You know, this would be a great place to stash cocaine, nobody would ever know!" I look at Bear, and he's smirking.

"Great minds think alike." He winks, turning back to his computer. Horror and amazement fill me as I look closely at the sand. Genius. I look around, wondering what other drugs are hidden around the room.

"You're not going to stop, are you?"

"Probably not."

"Alright, Cheese. Come along, let get downstairs to prepare for dinner." He takes my hand, leading me out of his office. Pictures of their family hang on the hall walls, so many memories, I hope to one day hear them all. The smell of turkey and pie linger through the air, making my stomach growl impatiently. Bear chuckles, leading me into the living room. The traditional parade is on tv, the same on our fake parade float was going to join when it's over so it looks like a normal float going home for the day. I'm a genius, I know.

That was, until Michael's ice cream truck comes on tv. Yes, Michael has an ice cream truck, no I don't know why. Anyways, we all scream and surround the tv, hoping to be seeing wrong. Immediately, there's an outburst in arguments, trying to figure out what happened. Apparently, the driver misheard the directions and J O I N E D the parade.

"Do you realize how much coke is in that truck?! If they realize it's not supposed to be there, we're fucked!" Walter screams, pointing to the tv. I sit down on the couch next to Jasper, watching everyone run for their phones.

"Watch this." Jasper says, running to he kitchen. I lean forward, just enough to see him digging through the freezer. He pulls out a frozen steak, and now, he's got my attention.

Jasper takes the raw meat and fucking chucks it at Bear's head before running for his life. Bear curses, chasing after Jasper. All I can hear is screams from the young boy, damning Bear to Hell. I giggle before Louise turns the tv off and clapping.

"That's enough. Dinner is done and you all need to put your phones down and join me at the table." I stand, but freeze it was almost like their lives depended on it, they all raced to get a seat. These boys are certainly hungry. Bear comes around the corner, Jasper thrown over his shoulder, who's banging on his back violently.

"Shall we?"


It was like a volcano of uncleanliness erupting from inside me.

I tried to hold it down. It was the exact thing that could ruin my chances with Bear's mother. Until...


Everyone's head whipped to Bear, who only smiled down at me with amusement, how he found that appealing was beyond me. Bear's mother was nearly in tears, she laughed so hard her face started turning red. Everyone sat in shock as the three of us laughed before Jim joined the laughter, pointing to his wife's nearly purple face. Everyone joined in, my cheeks red from embarrassment.

"That, was brilliant." Bear whispers in my ear, laying a hand on my thigh. I blush more, whispering in his ear seductively.

"I've you want brilliant, reach in your pocket." I attempt to sound attractive, and apparently it worked because his face lit up as he reached his hand in his jacket pocket. I've never seen someone change moods so fast. Slowly, he removes his hand from his pocket, his fingers drenched in melted cheese.

"Say cheese!" I'm running for my life, screaming for help, that there was a madman after me. Bear growled and stomped off to the bathroom, saying he'll find me. I hurry and sneak to the kitchen, Damon raising an eyebrow at me.

"I might lose my life." I'm out of breath as I speak, peaking around the corner.

"That's not something you should misplace." Damon's voice is bored as he grabs a grape, popping it into his mouth after wiping it down with a napkin.

"Where is she?!" I look at Damon, silently begging him to help. He nods at me before meeting Bear's eyes.

"She's right here."


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