✔Chapter 1

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(A/N: Picture is what the face bolt of the Pheonix Beys looks like)

Lillian and her best friend Yuki were in an observatory and Yuki was looking through a giant telescope aimed towards the sky.

A beeping then came from the computor of which Lillian had seated herself in front of and both their faces lit up as the moment they had been waiting for had finally arrived.

"It's here!" Lillian exclaimed in joy.

"It's arrived at last!" Yuki also exclaimed.

Yuki manouvered the giant telescope to look in a certain direction in the sky and gazed through the telescope as Lillian came up beside him.

"Do you see it?" She asked.

"Yeah! I can't believe it!" Yuki replied. "We've finally found it, Lillian."

He moved to one side so she could take a look through the telescope.

"There it is, the new Star Fragment." Lillian commented as she saw it.

Suddenly, the Star Fragment exploded and split into many pieces going in many different directions.

"Yuki, look!" Lillian said as she quickly moved so her friend could see what she saw.

"No way." He said in disbelief of what he was seeing.

One of the Star Fragments headed straight towards the observatory and the impact knocked them both back and onto the floor as their Beys fell from their holsters and landed a little ways away from them.

"Are you okay?" Yuki asked as he helped Lillian to her feet.

She nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She replied as the two went to pick up their Beys. "Just what was that?"


Hoshiko was in a dark cave shining a torch on the walls as she observed the ancient looking paintings covering them and attempted to decipher the meanings behind them.

Suddenly her Bey, Junix, started feeling warm and she took it from her holster before gasping in surprise.

Her Bey was glowing with a purple light and once it had faded, her Bey looked different to what it used to.

"Could this mean..." She trailed of in thought as she gave her Bey a look over, before placing it back it's holster as she continued to observe her findings in the cave.

She'll need to go to Mist Mountain and talk to Dynamis about this later.


Scarlett was sitting in the crowd in the Bey Stadium cheering on Kenta who she knew was going to win this tournament.

"You can do it, Kenta!" She shouted over the excited cheering of the crowd and the commentation of the... Well, Commentator (A/N: I've forgotten if his name was ever said in the anime so I don't know his name).

Gingka was also cheering for Kenta, but he was the guest Commentator so he wasn't supposed to be cheering for just one of the battling Bladers, but both of them. Scarlett facepalmed as her red haired friend had to be pulled to one side by the Commentator and reminded that he had to remain neutral.

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