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I'm here sitting alone in solitude as I have for 3000 years. I'm so glad I'm not a human or I probably would've gone insane by now. As I lay and stare into the dark black abyss of nothingness that seems to travel for eternity I hear a crack which startles me and causes me to look to my left. 'Wait no it cant-' I thought in astonishment 'the seal has been broken' I walk up to it and with just one touch of my finger it shatters into 1 million peices and a white light engulfs me as I cover my eyes.

When I uncover my eyes a blink a bit to look around.

"Wait it cant be..." I feel below me. Is that grass? I sprang up.

''wait of my seal was broken that must mean the others-" I wasn't able to finish my thought as I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"That we are lady (y/n)" I gasped and smiled as I turned around to see zeldris and the rest of the commandments standing behind me. They all got on one knee and bowed to me. Oh what flatter's.

"Oh come on I thought I told you three thousand years ago you dont have to be so formal especially you zeldris~" I got up close a purred in his ear. I could sense his heart rate grow but his face kept composure. They all stood up and galand smiled walking up to me. He always treated me like I was his own daughter such a kind old man.

"Oh (y/n) it's been so long what was it 3000 years?" He said as a joke which made up both chuckle. I see zeldris glare a bit or more that he usually does. I stopped chuckling and got a big more serious

"Alright so all of have lost an excessive amount of power from the seal correct?" They all nodded.

"Well as commander of the demon race and next in line for the throne to the demon race I suggest we stay here for the moment and try to regain as much power back as possible.

"Splendid I was just thinking that." Zledris said. "And while y'all are doing that I'm gonna go say hi to an old friend of ours." Before any of them could protest I was gone. As my wings carried me through the sky I could already sense their fear since I have a pretty intimidating aura. I could also sense meliodas' power level which led me to him. I could here all of there voices on my way over there.

"Meliodas W-what was that?" A small boy who seemed the same race as gloxinia but no wings how odd.

"I cant belive they've been released and she was the first one to come. This is bad." He muttered which made everyone seem to go into panic.

"S-sir meliodas what are you talking about what is that strange aura" a girl with silver hair asked and she clung onto him. Wait is she from the goddess race?! My thoughts were stopped by another woman talking she had a strong magic ability coming off of her.

"He's talking about (y/n)." They all looked at her confused but still terrified.

"Shes the highest ranking demon in the world and is the commander of the 10 commandments. Shes also the demon kings daughter." At those words everyone looked like they were about to throw up.

'Oh hey I'm here guess is time for me to land.' I landed as soon as my feet touched the ground everything shook to it's very core. All of the people from inside of the building came out including Meliodas who already had his weapon in hand. That made me chuckle.

"Oh? Meliodas how dare you draw your weapon towards a girl and your ex girlfriend at that. I mean I haven't even done anything wrong." I said in a fake hurt voice then giggled everyone seemed in shock and very intrigued.

"Captain what is she talking about?" A human wearing attire that didn't seem to fit him very well. Before he could say anything another person started talking.

"It seems a very long time ago Meliodas and this girl had a happy relationship together until... her..." He was talking about that damn liz that stole him from me. gowther said as the white and pink lightning bolt faded away from my neck. Wait a minute it was him the old commandant of selflessness.

"Gowther it's been a while." It was obvious he didn't remember me.

"I'm afraid I have no recollection of who you are even though you seem to know me. My sincerest apologies" He said. I chuckled

"it's okay Gowther I already knew that."

"Captain is this true?" A giant asked as she looked at meliodas with worry and concern. He said nothing and looked down as if he was ashamed to which I laughed.

"Oh ashamed are we? Well obviously. You tried forgetting about me by dating that goddess but your feelings, they still linger there for me don't they?" He stayed quiet. Well there was no point in standing in silence. I quickly apeared in front of him upper cutting him in to the air very high and very fast. Appearing above him just as quickly I kicked him in the stomach and into the ground causing a bit crater to form and the ground to tremble. He coughed up blood and seemed defeated I landed on him digging both heals into his stomach causing him to scream in pain and cough up more blood.

"Hmm looks like I've gotten a bit slow" I sigh.

"She calls that slow?" The fairy yelled out in shock. I could feel a presence heading my way.

"Meliodas I'm gonna leave now and I want you to think very hard about the pain that awaits you soon. You filthy traitor." I flew into the air before the person could touch me and I went into a nearby forest. I sat on the ground and leaned against a tree as tears ran down my face.

"Stupid meliodas, stupid tears stop falling." I sniffed as I wiped the tears that seemed endless.

"Man I'm hopeless arent I?" I said as I curled up into a small ball.

"No you're not. Dont say things like that" My eyes widened a bit and I looked over my shoulder to my right

"Zeldris..." I murmured. He then stretched his hand out to me. I took it with out hesitation and pulled me up and into a warm embrace. My face flushed a bit as my face was pressed against his muscular chest.

"Tell me. What happened?" He asked.

"Meliodas.... he's fallen in love with a goddess." His eyes widened a bit.

"Ugh what a traitorous scumbag to hurt such a heart as yours." He pushed me away from his chest slightly and got on one knee. I was kinda taken aback by this. He took my hand into his and kissed my finger tips gently.

''Lady (y/n) please let me take your hand and we together as the ten commandments will help you rule over Britannia as queen of this land." I was so moved by his word I was speechless.

"Well what kind of person would I be if I didnt take up such an offer~" I giggled.

"I promise (y/n) I'll be with you until death do us part."

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now