chapter three

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    Warning: NSFW (it's kinda kinky so you have been warned)

You made your way to the castle, where you were with zeldris. Thinking about the things meliodas said. 'Would it be easier that way?' You thought and sighed as you entered.
Zeldris sensing your presence where ever you were immediately new you were there. "What's wrong my princess?" He asked softly and caressed your cheek gently. You blushed and held his cold hand up against your cheek.
"Zeldris?" You asked looking up at his black eyes with your (e/c) eyes. "Yes (y/n)." You took a deep breath. "Do you thing we could just stop. You know taking humans souls and conquering Britannia?" You asked.
His face contorted into confusion as he stared at you. "What ever brought on this idea?" He asked. You sighed and removed his hand.
"It's nothing just forget about it." You said and began to walk around him to walk further into the castle. "Wait!" He said and grabbed your wrist before you could walk off.
You stopped and turned around to face him. He ran his hands through his hair. "Fine you don't have to tell me, but would you please elaborate on what you mean?"
"What else could I mean? Can't we just stop? All the bloodshed and needless killing?" You asked and tears subtly formed in your eyes. He sighed and pulled you into a hug. "And why are you asking me this? You're the princess" he said. As he tucked your hair softly behind your ear. "Because you're the only one I can trust..."
"Zeldris do you ever feel loanly even though there are people all around you?" You asked. His eyes softened and he nodded gently. "Yeah." He said.
You pulled away from his chest and looked up at him. He ran his hand through your hair softly and after a moment of silence you both met for a kiss.
It started out slow and romantic. You clung to him and felt every muscle on his back. The kiss was so intoxicating you almost lost all of your senses.  You pulled away panting for air and. "My room. Now." You said in between breaths. "Yes my princess." he picked you up and carried you to your room while you both continued to make out.
When you got into the room he locked the door behind him and pinned you onto the bed. You both pulled away and you smirked at him. "Ha. Like you'd ever top." You said sternly and he smirked quickly switching positions. Your dominant side always came out when you had sex. And zeldris loved it.
"Sorry mistress I-" you grabbed onto his hair and pulled. "Did I give you permission to talk?" You asked him sternly. He shook his head.
You kissed down his neck leaving bruises and hickeys as you made your way down. Zeldris gripped the sheets lightly and panted while you did. You were so frustrated mentally and physically you just wanted to see Zeldris squirm and obey your every command.
"Strip" you commanded and Zeldris nodded stripping all of his clothes. As did you. He looked at you with hungry eyes awaiting his next command. You ordered him to lay down on his stomach. He did as told and you put his arms behind his back and tied them together. You were a bit of a freak not gonna lie. "Wow, are you seriously turned on by this you creep?" You asked after noticing his erection. You stuck your thumb in his mouth. "Yes mistress." he panted and and swirled his tounge around your thumb.
You laid him on his back and spread his legs. He blushed as he watched you kiss up from his ankle to to his thigh where you began to nibble and bite. He threw his head back and his legs began to tremble in pleasure.
You continued to nibble and bite until it drew blood from the wound. Zeldris yelped and squeezed his eyes shut. "What a freak I can't belive you like that~" you purred and continued to trail your kisses up to his aching member. He whimpered and squirmed at your touch.
You slowly licked up and to the tip swirling your tounge. It was complete extacy for Zeldris. Moans and whimpers filled the room as you moved your head up and down.
"I-I think I'm about too..." before he could finish what he was saying you removed your head and smirked. "Not yet you freak~." He panted. "But mistress..." he whined. "No buts mister. This is your punishment~." You smirked. Now it was time for the finish.
"I'm gonna ride you until you break.~" you said and got ontop of him and positioned yourself. Those words might've sent him over the edge if he wasn't such and obedient sub and dudnt cum unless you granted him permission.
He took deep breaths in and out. You slid on slowly. You could feel him tense up and his breathing rapidly increase. You let out a deep moan as you took all of Zeldris' six inches in.
You began to move your hips in a vertical motion and at a steady pace. Both of you moaned and called out each others names. You kept your hands on zeldris' muscular chest so you would keep balance.
"F-faster~." Zeldris choked out in between moans. You nodded and bounced your hips faster and faster. Your eyes began to cloud as you were getting closer to release and it looked like zeldris was too. You noticed this and you got faster but sloppier. "M-mistress I-im about-" you silenced him and nodded "let's do it together baby." You panted and he nodded.
You both got sloppier and were moaning each others names like crazy.
"Oh (y/n)!!"
you both came at the same time and you slowly got off and plopped down beside zeldris.
You both took a moment to catch your breaths and when you both could breath you were the first one to speak. "That was amazing~" you purred and turned over to face him. "You were pretty aggresive this time was something wrong?" He asked and turned his head to face you. "Yeah but you like it that way dont you?"
"More than anything... mistress~" he smirked. "Oh stop you know that's a name for bed only~ now c'mon let's get you untied. You untied his hand and he tackled you in a hug. You giggled and hugged back. "Hey go start the shower and we'll take one together." He nodded and left disappearing into the bathroom.
You got up and went to go find your birth control that you usually take every day.
"Hey princess sorry to come barging in like this but-" Estarossa paused and quickly slammed the door shut. "I'm so sorry princess I new I should've knocked. I didnt mean to it was an accident I swear-" he continued rambling on like this until yo wrapped a towel around yourself. "Come in" you said but he still kept rambling about punishment and how he was Sorry and all of this other stuff. You sighed in annoyance. "I said come in!" He paused and everything was blissfully silent for a moment and then the door slowly opened.
He walked in carefully. "Ahem... um I'm sorry princess. Anyways I came to tell you that frarudin and grayroad our both dead." He said. There was silence. "So how many is that" you asked. "Three in total including galand" he said. You nodded. "Thank you. You can go now" he nodded and left quietly. You dropped you towel and finally joined zeldris in the bathroom. "What took you so long?" He asked and had ran a nice warm bath. "I'll tell you when we get in" he nodded and you both got into the bath. You sat in between zeldris legs and he pulled you close by your waist.
"So tell me princess what's wrong?" He asked softly "we lost two more." She said. "Who was it? Frarudin and greyroad."
"Oh well they were weak anyways." He said trying to cheer you up. "Yeah but-" You sighed. "That's just more reson we should stop. Were hardly even winning." He pulled you closer. "Well think about it. I'm just saying whatever you choose I'll support you." You nodded.
You both finished your baths and got out. "Princess I'm off to go help the others I'll be back okay?" He said softly and kissed your forehead. You watched him go off and you were left alone. Of course you've never felt too loanly, or too sad, or too happy because if you did you'd be drained of all emotion and you would be an emotionless zombie the rest of your life. For that was your commandment. The commandment of melancholy.
Woo! That was a lot more than I usually write I hope this can kinda make up for me updating months apart. I'm gonna try to update more promise. Anyways have a good day or night where ever you are! Bye-bye.

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now