chapter two

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You waited and waited and waited for melodis to recover and show up again. In the mean time you and the demon clan were slowly taking over Britannia. Zeldris always cheered you up when you were feeling down by hugging you, comforting you, sometimes you would even sleep together. He always made you feel better but you could never get Meliodas off your mind. You killed him you watched the love of your life die. But, were you the love of his life?

He may have consumed all of your time and effort. He may have had all of your attention and love but... did you have his? Did he ever really love you at all? Everythig that happened between you two, was it all fake? Was he ever in love with you?

You sat in your throne wondering these things. You obviously looked distraught so Zeldris came to cheer you up.

"Are you okay princess?" He put his hand on yours and you smiled a bit. "Yes I am perfectly fine Zeldris. Thank you." You said and took a deep breath. You stood up "I'm gonna go for a walk okay? I'll be back shortly." Zeldris nodded and you walked out of the building and into a grass field that was near by.

It was filled with the most colorful and extravagant flowers. It put you at ease as you walked around. As you walked the never ending medow you saw the most bright and beautiful yellow flower. You ran over to it and studied it closely. "It reminds me of him" you spoke softly to yourself.

"Oh really? Well I'm glad I make such a good impression on you." Your eyes widened and you quickly looked to both sides, but no one. "Behind you." The voice said. You spun around and there he was. It was him it was really him. Standing right there in front of you. With his stupid grin.

"Its really nice to see that you're in good health (y/n). Aww no need to cry it's not like you weren't expecting me." You were crying? You touched your face and looked at your hand. It was wet. You quickly wiped your tears and looked him directly in the eyes. After a moment, without thinking your feet started moving on their own and you were running towards him. It's like he was expecting this he and didnt move a muscle as you did so. You then engulfed him and a hug, tackling him to the ground. "Aww isnt that cute." He said with that dumb laugh and that dumb smile you missed so much.

"You dont understand how much I've wanted this." You said. Your previous attempts to stop the tears failed. They wouldn't stop they just kept falling. You thought they would never end. He put one hand on your head and gently pressed it against his chest as something to cry on. "I've wanted this for a long time too, you know." He chuckled. You roughly removed your head from his chest and glared at him. "Liar! If you wanted this then why did you make me wait so long? I've missed you y'know." You cried and sniffled.

"You were with her weren't you?! Why her!? I'm more important you know. I'm the one that's known you the longest! I-" you were cut off. "(Y/n) listen to me-"

"No! I'm the one who's hurting here you listen to me. I'm the one who's known you for over 3000 years now so why is she-"

"She rejected me okay!?" Silence filled the air. You were frozen, but mostly because of his sudden shouting.

"I-I'm so sorry." Why did you just say that? Shouldn't you be happy?

"Its okay it's not your fault. God your so cute when your angry." He laughed and pat your head. You flushed in embarrassment. "How is this any laughing matter-" before you new it he flipped your position so you were on bottom. He then laid his head on you chest. "There like pillows." He said with a satisfied look and a bit of drool coming out of his mouth. You made a noise of annoyance and and sighed. "Well I guess this isn't too bad." You sighed. "(Y/n) please stop it." He said.

"Huh? Stop what?" You asked in confusion. "Taking over Britannia. Taking peoples souls. I really want to be with you but if you continue this i'm sorry but I'm gonna have to stop you." You were a bit surprised at his sudden change in tone but you kept composure.

"Meliodas. I'm a demon its what I do. You know how they took away the earth from us and sealed us away. Well not you, but all of the other demons! Theres no way I can forgive them for that. You may be able to and have a different path and forgive them, but all we know is revenge or at least.... that's all I know." You looked down feeling defeated.

"I dont believe that." He said which caused a small flinch and for you to look up at him. "I really don't. I think that you think all you are a know is revenge, but I'm sure you want to spend your time doing something different with yourself. If you give them a chance humans and their culture and be quite fun. (Y/n) please. For me?" What he was saying was really out of character for him, so that meant that he truly meant it.

"Well, Meliodas. Let me think about it." You said not really knowing what else to say to that. "Meet me back here tonight so I can hear your answer okay?" He asked. You nodded silently and he chuckled. "Well I'll see you tonight then." He smiled and was gone before you could say anything.

You thought about what he said and walked back to where you were before you walked to the field of flowers. Before you walked back you wanted to check something. You pulled off your glove and slowly went to pick a flower but as soon as you touched it, it shriveled and died. You sighed and put your glove back on. 'Some things never change.'
Omg an update. I know. I've run out of exuses. I'm just lazy and keep forgetting I'm sorry but im trying. Also I'm very happy about the response this book has been getting thank you all so much! Peace out- wait no that sounds lame. Aha got it. Goodbye Greg and I'll see you in the next video bye. Wai-

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now