chapter seven

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"Is she in her room again?" Meliodas asked Zeldris. He nodded and sighed. "I'll go talk to her-" Meliodas said getting up but was stopped.

"Sir Meliodas let me." Elizabeth said and sat him back down. "Elizabeth I don't think that's a good idea." He said. "Please. I promise I'll be careful." She smiled. She and Meliodas didn't get together because she realized Meliodas still had feelings for you and she respected that because she was such a good girl. He nodded and let her go.

She walked up to your room with your food and knocked on the door. "Lady (Y/n)." She said softly. "I brought your food. You know you haven't come out of your room in a while. We're worried about you." Elizabeth said. Silence. "Well I understand if you want to be alone. Your food will be out here if you need it." She sat your plate of food in front of your door.

She began to walk off and then your door opened. She turned around and gasped. You had bags under your eyes, they were red from crying, and your hair was a mess. She ignored all of that. "Do you want to take a bath with me?" She asked softly. You nodded not saying a word.

She took you hand softly and led you to the bathroom. "Do you have any clothes to change into?" She asked. You shook your head no since you didn't bring any. "Okay then would you like to borrow some of mine?" You shrugged and she smiled and walked off. She came back with a black dress that had a small slit in the side that exposed part of the tigh and the rest of the leg. "Sorry if you don't like it. Your outfit is mostly black and this is the only black outfit i have-" she stammered.

"It's fine. I like it" you spoke. Not looking at her. She was taken aback by you talking for a second but smiled. "I'm glad."

She ran the water and got it the perfect temperature for a bath. You both got in. She was on one side and you were on the other so you two were facing eachother. You made sure not to touch her.

It was quiet. "You should get out" you said. She cocked her head to the side "Why? Are you not enjoying it?" She asked. "Its not that... you know if you touch me you'll die." You said and curled up into a ball. She giggled.

"What's so funny?" You asked. "Oh its nothing." She smiled. "I'm willing to take that risk." She smiled and closed her eyes. Your eyes widened. Did she really mean it? Tears rolled down your face.

Her eyes opened and she gasped. "Oh I'm so sorry. Was it something I said? Lady (Y/n) are you okay?" She asked.

You nodded. "Yeah. It's just no ones ever said that to me before. Why would you do that? You dont even know me?" You asked. She just smiled.

The bath was done and you both got out and dryed off. And you got into the dress that was given to you. It was a little tight but that was only because your breasts were a little bit bigger than Elizabeth's believe it or not. "Does it fit okay?" You nodded and brushed your hair.

"Your hair is so pretty lady (y/n)" Elizabeth said smiling. You blushed a bit "th-thank you" you grabbed your gloves and put them on.

"Do you want to go downstairs?" She asked. You shook your head. "Back you your room?" You nodded. She smiled and took your hand and you both went back over to your room.

The plate of food Elizabeth sat down and had been eaten by hawk. You didn't know that though because you didn't talk to any of the seven deadly sins members. Exept for Meliodas and now Elizabeth.

"Oh no! That's no good. I'll go ask Ban to make you some more." She said and went to run off. You grabbed her shirt and she stopped. "What is it?" You looked down blushing not want to admit this out loud.

"Oh you don't want to be alone?" You flinched a bit but nodded still looking down. She smiled and grabbed your hand. "It's okay. I'll be with you."

She led you down the stairs the the bar. It wasn't busy but there was one customer. A guy with pink hair.

"Hey ban. Will you make lady (y/n) some more food. Someone ate hers." She said. "Yeah sure coming right up." He said and began to cook. He glared at you before he began cooking. He was obviously still mad about when you killed meliodas. It's not like he was dead forever.

"Oh that was her food? I thought they were scraps." A voice said. You looked around but saw no one speaking. What the-. "Down here!" You looked down and saw a pig? "Oh fuck." You said audibly.

"Yeah yeah I know a talking pig. Get over it." He said. After you got over your shock you glared. "Did you say you were the one who ate my food?" You asked and a tick mark appeared on your head. He cowered away. "You know. Where I'm from we slaughter pigs like you every day. What's one more?" He ran away and hid behind Meliodas.

"Oh come on little piggy it's only fair! You ate my food so let me eat you!" You said. You ran behind meliodas and grabbed the pig by the ear and lifted him up. "Meliodas help me!" The pig cried. "Hey leave him alone." You heard someone say. It was the fairy with no wings. (For you manga readers I already know. This is just based off of the anime) "And what if I don't?" You asked. "I-I I'll-"

"Whatever I wasn't going to eat him anyways." You said and dropped the pig in the ground. "You're king right?" You asked. He nodded nervously. "Gloxinia told me much about you. All good things." She said. His eyes widened a bit. "To bad you killed him." Everything went quiet. "U-um lady (Y/n) your food is done." You smiled. "Thank you Elizabeth." You took the plate and headed up to your room. Elizabeth followed.

You two both went in your room. You sat on your bed and began eating. Neither of you talked for a bit. "Tell me. Why were you so mean to sir King?" She asked.

"Hm?" You managed to say with your mouth full. You swallowed and spoke. "Was I really? I'm a demon. I guess I'm naturally mean." You said with a shrug. She looked down. She kinda looked like she was angry. "Hey are you okay?" You asked.

"No your not!" She yelled. It didn't even sound like a yell because her voice was so soft. Either way you were taken aback. "I dont think your mean because you're a demon! Sir Meliodas is really nice. So somethings wrong. Please tell me! I want to help you." Her words terrified you. You had never felt such determination from any human. She wanted to help.

"Well I guess since you bring it up... there is something that's been bothering me." I said. "Well what is it?" She asked. I took a deep breath.

"Maybe it's the fact that your whole little group here slaughtered all of my friends and are treating me like shit as if my feelings don't matter. Not you Elizabeth, but maybe it's the fact that I don't feel welcome here and I probably won't ever fit in. I don't want to belive it." All of my feelings poured out at that moment, well almost all of them.

"You cant belive what?" She asked softly.

"The fact that they're all dead! It happened so fast. How could they all fall so easily. It makes no sense. They can't be dead. I won't allow it. I'm sure this is all a bad dream" I kept telling myself that but it sounded silly to say it out loud. I felt arms wrap around me. I look down and Elizabeth was wrapped tightly around my waist.

My tears fell harder. I stayed still and laid down. Her arms were still wrapped around my waist and her head in my lap. She fell asleep and so did I.

"Hey you guys she's been up there for a while. Do you think we should check on them?" Ban asked meliodas. "I'm sure they're fine but we can." He said. Him, Ban and Zeldris. Went up to check in you two.

Meliodas opened the door "hey you two okay?" He paused when he saw you two basically cuddling together and asleep. He smiled. "See, I told you there was nothing to worry about.

Sorry this story is shit. I feel like it's not going anywhere and people aren't gonna like it but I promised myself I would commit whether people read it or not. So the people who've stuck with me thus far. Thank you so very much.

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now