chapter four

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It was about time. You got on your pajamas and slippers. You walked out into the field where you and meliodas were supposed to meet. You walked to the sunflower you two met at last time and sat down.

Your brought your knees up to your chest and looked up at the sky. It was a starry night. The moon was fully lit and there were fireflies everywhere. Still, no Meliodas. You rested your chin on your knees a closed your eyes. So tired......

"Heya (y/n)!" A cheery voice rang from behind you. You jumped and looked behind you only for a pair of lips to touch yours for a few seconds. Yoh blushed and covered your face. "What was that for??" You asked.

He chuckled and sat next to you. "You were just so darn cute I couldn't help my self" he chuckled. You blushed even more. "Aww come on what's the long face for?" He asked and wrapped his arm around your shoulder pulling you close to him.

"Its nothing. I just hate coming out to this field is all." You sighed. "And why is that?" He asked softly.

"Because if any of my bare skin touches any one of these flowers they'll die! I hate being a ball of mass destruction in the middle of something so beautiful!" You extended your arms and made motions to the whole meadow in front of you.

"Oh come on (N/n) dont say that" he said softly. Your face turned red. "Its been a while since you've called me by that name." You said and looked at his beautiful green eyes.

"You came here to tell me your decision right?" He asked you. You nodded. This happened and you both never gave up eye contact. "Well how about I give you a bit of persuasion~" he kissed you pationently and licked your lip asking for an entrance. You denied and pulled away.

"I'm the one who takes control not you." You said sternly. "Haven't changed a bit huh? This should be fun~" He said as he began taking his shirt off. You shook your head to get out of you dominant stage.

"Wait!" You said and he stopped and looked at you with confusion. "What's wrong he asked and stopped unbuttoning his shirt.

"I-im just really tired is all..." you said avoiding eye contact with him. You were bad a lying under pressure.

He glared a bit and then his eyes widened with realization. "You did it with someone already havent you?!" He asked and made you look at him.

"Ha ha whaaaaaat??? What gives you that idea?... heh heh." You whistled awkwardly and looked away.

"Who was is? Estarossa?"



"He's dead"


"Of course not!"

"Then who?!"

"It was zeldris!" You shouted. Everything went silent but only for a moment.

"Really that bastered? Your with him now?! How long has this been going on for?" He asked.

"Its not anything serious calm down. It's just feel good sex nothing else... I think. Ugh I dont know." You sighed in defeat.

"I'll kill that bastered. Your mine you got that?" You pushed his hands off. "Woah easy there were not a thing anymore remember mel?" You said.

He sighed. "I know. I really miss us though. "Well you should've thought about that before you betrayed us." You said and crossed your arms.

He sighed. "I know but I want to make it up to you..." he said and grabbed both of your hands and kissed them.

You blushed. "Well okay. Is that how you truly feel?" You asked. He nodded "yes my darling. That is how I truly feel."

You blushed and there was a comfortable silence between you two. You laid both laid down on the grass and you laid your head on his chest. "You know this doesn't mean were together right?" He nodded.

"I can wait as long as I need to." He smiled. You both fell into silence again and stared at the stars again.

"Makeup sex?"

"Makeup sex."

After you and meliodas' night of sin you both went your separate ways after kissing each other bye. It was even better than you thought it was going to.

You knew what your decision was going to be.
Sorry this was such a short chapter. I tried my best to make it as long as I could but I cant have a meliodas sex scene just yet. Be patient children. Anyways I hope you enjoy this one.

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