chapter ten

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"WHAT TO WE DO?!" Zeldris panicked as he looked at you're lifeless body. Well you were still moving and walking just fine but there was not a single emotion to be found.

"Well I don't know!!! She just seems so out of it. Maybe she's just having a bad day!" Meliodas tried to reason. As he poked your motionless body and shook you a bit to see if you would snap out of whatever trance you were in. It wasn't woking though. You just stared down at him with the emotionless (e/c) eyes.

The door to you room swung open and hit the wall behind it. "What going on in here?!" A very concerned hawk yelled with the other sins standing behind him with confusion and worry.

"It's (y/n)! She's not moving or responding to anything we do." Meliodas said desperately. He felt like he was gonna cry but he put on a brave face for you.

"Hey. Calm down captain maybe she's just in some sleep walking or paralysis type state. C'mon let's bring her downstairs and try to figure this out." King said and he placed a hand on the captains shoulder as an attempt to comfort him.

He just gave a slight not. He gently pulled your hand to lead you down stairs, you followed but very slowly. He gave a slight sigh and picked you up bridal style so it would be faster. Not that he minded carrying you but the fact that you couldn't even walk properly was making his hope deteriorate.

Zeldris didn't say anything but pet your hair softly.

                          .   .   .

A few hours went by and you still weren't responding. They tried everything. They tried talking to you, they tried hurting you. Which was one of their last resorts but you were basically indestructible so dianne hit you with her giant hammer. Still nothing. Not even a flinch.

They even tried kissed you hoping this maybe was some stupid love spell (that was obviously only meliodas and zeldris) and they could break with true loves kiss. They new it wouldn't work. They tried Gravity Falling it and reminding you of all the great times everyone's had and taking you to all your favorite spots.

You didn't even blink. Who the fuck dosen't blink!? After all the night had fallen and everyone was still stumped. Even the mage who tried to see if a magic spell had been casted on you. If so, it was way more powerful then her magic so she was also in a slump.

After a long time of silence and no one saying anything Zeldris broke the silence. "Lets call Estarossa!" He said abruptly making everyone turn and look at him. It took them a moment to prossess what he said before they all started agreeing. Zeldris then got up and grabbed the little braclet on your wrist and pressed the button on it. It was a signal between you and estarossa because he lived far away and didn't seem to want to stay with the sins which was understandable.

The front door of the pub was knocked down and the happy looking demon stepped into the room. Estarossa learned he was more than just a stoic expression whenhe was around you and he learned to embrace it. After all you two were best friends. "Where's my sweetie!?" He asked and looked around the room. His eyes immediately locked on your body. His face dripped of concern and worry as he rushed over to you.

"Hey! Hey (y/n)! Whats wrong!?" He said as he gripped your shoulders. 'Quick something funny...' he thought.

"You have a real fat ass." He said but still no responce. He turned to Zeldris. "What's wrong?" He asked like a little baby who was didn't know what was wrong with their ill dog.

"We dont know... that's kinda why we called you. She tells you everything so maybe you knew." He said kinda getting impatient.

"Oh..." he looked down in a moment of thought. "Alright well first tell me everything that's happened.

They told him everything about you three dating, about how happy you all made eachother, meliodas even took the liberty of the rough pationent sex y'all had the night before.

"Then that must've been it." Estarossa said with a serious expression.

"Huh?" They all asked in unison. "Well. You've all been trying to make her happy and its been working. She told me she's never been happier when she's having sex, so that must've been what pushed it."

"Huh? Im confused." The giant girl said from out side the building. "How does (y/n) being happy have to do with her sudden lack of emotion?"

His face drained... "oh she didn't tell you?"

"Tell us what?" Ban asked.

"About her commandment."

Meliodas and Zeldris' eyes shot open. "Wait you don't mean..." Meliodas' voice cracked.

"I'm afraid so. Her comandment of melancholy. Never feeling too much of one emotion. If she breaks this commandment then she will be stripped of all her emotions. That is her punishment."

It was silent. Even gowther seemed to pick up that this was not the appropriate time to speak.

After a while Gowther did decide to say something. "Is there anyway to get her back or break the 'curse'?" He asked.

Estrossa thought. "Well her physical form isn't dead so I'm guessing her soul went down to the purgatory. And since she's the demon kings son im guessing she's just down their with him, so someone's gonna have to go down there and have a little chat with him."

No one said anything. No one wanted to considering you had to die to go down there.

"I'll do it." Everyones heads snapped towards Meliodas.

"What? Sir meliodas! You can't! I'll do it!" She said and turned towards Estarossa with pleading eyes.

A firm yet soft hand gripped her wrist making her flinch slightly at the contact. "Look Elizabeth it's fine. I'm the only ome who can come back to life after dying thats my curse and it's for her, so im fine with it." He said.

She just stared at him and gave a slight smile. "Well alright then." No one else seemed to disagree or try to stop him.

Even though a few of them thought it was a bad idea it was pointless to say anything. Captain was way to stubborn.

"Well what the point in waiting let's go!" He said with a smile plastered on his face like it was no big deal.

Estarossa gave a not and pulled a sword out. He made sure to look Meliodas directly in his eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

Meliodas took a deep breath.

"Yeah. Let's do this"

Ooooh chapter 10 lest go! Sorry guys I haven't been very motivated lately, but that doesn't mean I'm abandoning it. Im wtill going to put effort and time into the story. It is actually going to reach it's climax soon so stay on alert! Updates might be more likely than you think! Anyways until next time!

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now