chapter eleven

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Hahaha you just got tricked loser

Twice. Now stop whining and enjoy (or not)

Meliodas groaned as he sat up slowly. His eyes fluttered open as he took in all of his surroundings. Nothing new of course.

He took in the all too familiar sight of purple all around him. He walked down the cave like structure with spikes poking out of it every which way. Some dull, some sharp, but none close enough to touch him.

'She has to be here. no way she isn't.' It seemed like hours he was walking until he walked into a bigger area with a large throne. he proceeded too look around and call out your name.


He heard footsteps and quickly turned around. Only to be face to face with you, his one and only. You were in a short pair of spandex and a tank top with obviously no bra. Your hair was a mess and it looked like you just woke up.

"Dad I told you, you don't have to use meliodis' voice to get me down here anymore. I don't ca-"

You gasped and covered your mouth with your hands.

. . .

I had just woken up after hearing the all too familiar voice of my lost love meliodas. When I fell down head for a little bit my dad would call me down and I wouldn't move. He would always trick me by using meliodas', Zeldris', and even sometimes Elizabeth's voice... and I would always fall for it. If there was even the slightest chance they were here I wouldn't miss it.

I went down stairs. My hopes were not up.

"Dad I told you, you don't have to use meliodas' voice to get me down here anymore. I don't ca-" everything's froze once I saw the figure in front of me. It was a pleasant surprise, and my worst nightmare.

Without hesitation he ran up to me engulfing me in the strong, muscular arms. I felt safe for a split second but that was short lived.

"Meliodas what are you doing here?! You need to leave right now! He's gonna get you!" I pleaded as I tried to push him away from the danger I sensed coming.

"What? No I'm here to save you. We're gonna go back together." He said and took your hands into his not bothering to move. "I don't care if your father comes to kill me. I won't let him have you." He said determinedly.

"It's not my father I'm worried about."

Meliodas made a bewildered expression. It looked like his curiosity was fulfilled when he heard a loud thunderous growl erupt from a nearby cave.

Both of our heads snapped at the source, and a large, scaled beast with three heads emerged from the cave. "That's Ghidorah." I said sheepishly. As I looked at meliodas who seemed way to confident at the moment.

"That things nothing. I can kill it easily." Ghidorah seemed angered by his words and smoke puffed out of its three heads. I panicked. "What? No! He's our pet you can't do that!" I yelled. Ghidorah meant a lot to me.

His confidence seemed weekend by my words. "Well then what are we supposed to do?!" He asked looking at me. Before I could respond I saw one of Ghidorah's heads come down to bite him. My feet immediately sprinted to Meliodas and tackled him out of the way.

I looked down at him just to see he had the biggest smile on his face. "I'd never thought we'd be in this position again." He almost looked like he was turned on. Which would've been nice if he wasn't about to be eaten.

"Priorities mel!" I didn't mean to use his old nickname but it just slipped out. It felt so nice to say it again, but I couldn't think about that now. Meliodas' safety was crucial.

"Mel? It's been a while since I've heard you say that!" I glared.


"Sorry. Sorry."

I grabbed his hand and yanked him from the ground no problem. Pulling him just out of the range of another one of Ghidorah's attacks. I kept hold of his hand as I sprinted away while he barely kept up behind me.

"Can't you just... tell him... to stop..." he said in between breaths. "He's your pet... you know?"

"He won't hurt me but he won't listen to me either. He only listens to dad."

"Well fuck." He sighed.

For a second Meliodas had gotten too close and stepped on the back of my heal causing me to trip and land on my knees and hands. Which in turn made him trip over me falling on his face. His legs landed on top of my back causing me to lose my balance and made complete contact with the ground.

My body ached all over, but my adrenaline made the pain seem less than it actually was. By the time my eyes adjusted to my surroundings Ghidorah had his big mouth on his middle head wide open ready to take the bite.


I got up and started sprinting even though I knew I wouldn't make it.

"Ghidorah! Yeild!" An all too familiar loud, booming voice yelled.

Ghidorah immediately stopped and raised all of his heads up cowering at the booming voice. It was my dad, the demon king. Me and meliodas both snapped our heads to the source and meliodas got up and ran to my side.

He looked amused by this. Sadistic bastard. I pushed meliodas behind me. Stupid mel he won't hurt me it's you he'll end up hurting. Dad chuckled.

"Calm down darling I won't hurt him." He said giving a dissmive wave towards us. Meliodas began to speak.

"Look I'm hear too-"

"Yes. Yes. I know why your hear but first. Ghidorah go to your cave." Oh I almost forgot he was there. Ghidorah did as he was told and compliantly went back to his cave.

"Now we can talk." He went and sat in his large throan completely towering over both of us. I'm used to it though.

"Okay now listen to me. I'm hear to take your daughter back and you can't stop me-" Meliodas was cut off by my father's big bellowing laughter. God, this can't be good. He only laughs like that when he has some kind of plan.

"What's so funny?" Mel asked in a confused voice. The cute one he usually does when he thinks hes not in danger. But right now I feel he was.

"Your demands boy. You think you can just take my daughter back to the land of the living just like that? She broke her commandment and just because she's my daughter does not mean I can ignore that." I opened my mouth to say something but my dad raised his hand up as a gesture to silence me. I glared and let out a low growl, cursing at him under my breath.

"But." He said catching my interest. What was he about to say.

"Since she is my daughter I can make an exception." Meliodas looked skeptical. Knowing my dad he was gonna ask him to do something stupid. Like climb a tall mountain and live alone there for 1000 years.

Even so, nothing could prepare me for what came out of his mouth next.

"If you want to take my daughter back with you you have to do one simple thing for me. I want the soul of Elizabeth Liones."

I was gonna upload this the 31st but decided to do it the 1st to fool you guys. Were you fooled? Also 16k readers????? Man this story highkey sucks. Well thank you for who ever stuck it out this far. You're a real trooper.

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