chapter eight

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Two months went by and I had finally started coming out of my room. I ate with them even though I was completely silent. No one ever tried to talk to me. Except for Elizabeth, Meliodas, and Zeldris, but when they realized I wasn't speaking they left me be.

Today was no different. I watched them all laugh, play and have fun. It pissed me off. Why was I the only miserable one?

In the middle of the commotion I stood up abruptly making everyone stop and turn to stare at me. "I'm going out." I said.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Zeldris asked. "No thank you." I said and left the building without another word.

My regular outfit had been washed and I was back to wearing that. Even though the dress Elizabeth gave me was pretty I didn't want to take it from her.

I walked into a town that was near by. No one recognized me thank God and I made sure not to touch anyone. I bought a few fruits and vegetables to eat for myself when I got hungry.

I was eating an apple when I heard my name being called. I turned my head and saw that pink haired guy. I had always seen him at the bar but we had never talked.

He made a gesture for me to come over to him. 'What can it hurt?' I thought and I went over to him. "Hey (y/n) I'm Gil. Gil Thunder. We haven't officially met yet but Meliodas has told me plenty about you." I blushed at what he said and took his hand shaking it. Meliodas talked about me?

"You wanna go somewhere a little more private?" He asked and smiled. I  nodded and we walked to a cliff that was a good distance away from us. We sat on the ledge.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked. "Well I just wanted to get you away. Here's a safe spot you can come to if you ever just want to scream or let your emotions out. I've seen the way the other sins treat you. It's not very nice." He said. I laughed.

"Yeah it's not very nice! Everytime I even approach someone they cower away like there gonna die. Even if I just breathe in their direction. I'm fucking fed up." I semi yelled and ran my hand through my hair.

"See that's what I'm talking about. Let your true feelings show!" He said with a smile that showed his teeth. It was so adorable like an innocent child. Why was he so passionate about this?

Before I could ask he started talking. "Hey meliodas told me you used to sing. How about you sing something?" He asked. I blushed. "I haven't really in about 3000 years so I'm probably really bad." I said nervously and and fumbled around with my thumbs.

"I'm sure you're not and even if you are I'll still tell you, you were good." He said. I giggled. "Okay fine." I inhaled deeply.

"I step around your shadow. Not wanting to interfere. I walk in your footsteps knowing that I'll never be. Shackled by the chains that keep me. Held down. Shackled by these chains that keep me held down! I don't want to be your prisoner anymore. I don't want to be your prisoner anymore! I want to be free. Live my life how I wanna be. Even though you give me chances to fly on my own. I'm scared. Afraid go as far as terrified of being alone lone lone. Alone lone lone." I finished singing and looked over at Gil. "Pretty bad huh?" I asked.

He looked hypnotized like he was in some kind of trance. "Hey Gil." I said and snapped my fingers at him. "Wha-" he asked and shook his head. "So what did you think?" I asked shyly. "It was incredible! It was so hypnotic. I could listen to that for eons and I would never get sick of it!" He said enthusiastically. I was taken aback by how much he loved it. "R-really." I asked. My face felt really hot right now. He nodded. I tucked some of my hair behind my ear. "Thank you."

"Of course. Anytime you want to sing your heart out. Come to me. I'll be more than willing to listen." He smiled. "Anyways. I gotta go now. Please take care." With that he was gone and I was alone again but I was okay with it.

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now