Deleted chapter: The Meliodas smut I didn't write (chapter four)

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Remember these chapters are optional!!

Warning: Public sex, Fem Dom, dirty talk, sex in a flower field.

You were the first to go in for this kiss. This was make up sex so you were planning on making every moment count.

He instantly kissed back wrapping his hands around your waist pulling you closer. You put your hands on his shoulders and slowly pulled away from the kiss, panting ever so slightly.

"Someone's handsy~ tell me. Did you miss me, baby?" You dragged your hands down from his collar bone, to his chest, bushing lightly over his nipples and down to his stomach.

He gasped and arched into your touch, giving a vigorous nod. Your hands trailed back up to his nipples and pinched one roughly.

"Use your words sweetheart." You muttered in his ear. He jolted up and let out a moan. You knew he was really sensitive there so you made sure to not take your hands off.

"Oooh fuck yeah. I missed you so much baby." He moaned out clearly enjoying the attention you were giving him.

"Good. Now tell me how good I am and how you want to be burried 6 inches deep inside my wet pussy~" You gave his nipples one last pinch before running your hands down his bare torso and grabbed the hem of his pants.

He bucked his hips in the air and gripped the ground practically pulling thre whole ground up.

"O-oh God you're amazing! I wanna be inside you so bad please mistress let me be inside you!" He cried out.

You gave him a smirk and pulled down his pants and underwear in one swift motion. His shivered as his dick was released and the cold night air brushed against it.

"You've been so good for me baby. Just wait a little longer and I'll give you what you want~"

His gasped and bit his lip as your hot, wet mouth wrapped around the tip of cock. You relaxed your throat and easily deepthroated his whole length. He was as big as Zeldris, but definitely not as girthy.

He let out a lengthy moan and tossed his head back. He went to grip your hair but you grabbed his wrist and pinned his down. You lost balance a bit and almost choked but you kept pace. (HAHA imagine a demon with extensive power and basically couldn't be killed, but ended up dying because they choked on dick.)

He got the hint and put his other hand up to his mouth and bit down hard on his finger to stop himself from grabbing at your hair. As you took his full length in you made sure to hollow your cheeks and lightly scrape your teeth on the more sensitive parts.

His breath and moaninb increased as he practically ripped the ground up. You smirked and ran your tongue up the shift and then took your mouth off.

His eyes were closed and he looked so desperate and needy. This look turned you on so much. You loved seeing your Meliodas, one of the most powerful demons, puddy in your hands.

You decide he had been a good boy so you'd give him his reward.

You slid off your black lacey panties and set them to the side.

"Tell me baby. Tell me hoe much you want this wet pussy around your aching cock. Go on. Beg for me." Your voice dripped with sadism and malice.

You could tell he loved it.

He panted and went to stroke himself before you abruptly stopped him.

"Oh fuck please, (y/n). I need you. I need to be inside you, please! You're driving me crazy!" He moaned about to give up completely.

"Since you asked so nicely~" you raised your hips just, so they were right above his erect dick and lowered yourself on him letting out a long moan. He let out a gasp and grabbed your hips to keep both of you steady.

As soon as it was all in you waisted no time bouncing your hips up and down letting Meliodas slide in and out of you. You made sure he hit all the good parts that made you go wild.

He was enjoying himself even more though letting out whimpers and moans. Your name escaping hid lips quite frequently.

Your core felt hot and you knew you were about give.

"Oh fuck baby your dick feels so good inside me ffffuck I'm about to cum-" you panted. You grabbed his shoulders for support never faltering on your pace.

"Oh sh-sh-sh-shit me t-t-too!" He yelped gripping onto your hips tighter.

He ended up Cuming inside you and you came a few seconds after he did.

You both sat there for a second trying to regain breath and composure. After a little bit Meliodas was the fist to speak up.

"That was amazing~"

"I know~ we need to do this again sometime." You smirked. He nodded and then you got off of him. Cum leaked out but you decided to clean that when you got to the castle and then slipped on your panties.

Meliodas also got up and put his clothes on. You both sat there in silence for a bit.

"I hope you consider what I said, (Y/n)" Meliodas spoke softly.

You smiled sadly.

"I will."

You gave him a kiss on the lips and he kissed back, holding your waist lightly.

After your kisses goodbye you both went your separate ways. That was way better than you thought it wss gonna be

You knew what your answer was going to be.


One more deleted chapter. Man I can't wait to be done with this book.

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