chapter one

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It's been a few days and we finally have regained most of our power. Two of the comandmants went missing Galand and Melascula. They went out before it was time. They should've listened to my orders and stayed put.
"Lady (y/n)" I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned to look and ti my pleasure it was zeldris. When I look at him all I can think about is what happened in the forest. The promise he made to me. It was so sincere and it swept me off my feet and into oblivion.
"Yes what is it my dear zeldris" I said in a lovely voice the I quickly corrected. When I spoke like that i swear I could see a small blush on his face. He coughed a bit. I have sent all of the comandmants out to different parts of Britannia as ordered." I smiled. "Thank you so much zeldris." I said. He nodded and turned around. "Well lets get going we should probably get to another part of Britannia and-" he paused in his tracks when he felt my arms wrap around him from behind.
"Zeldris I was thinking maybe me and you could have some alone time." I whispered and hugged on a bit tighter. His heart rate increased rapidly like last time, but it was even faster. "I-im sorry lady (y/n) we must get going." And before I could say another word he was gone. He slipped through my arms just like melodis did. I sighed and figured he was right. I flew to the nearest small town. I made sure to try to be as lovely as possible so my aura didn't frighten the people. While I was there I took all of their souls and well. Consumed them as any demon would.

Zeldris' POV
'Ugh she doesn't even know what she does to me when she acts like that. Showing me that cute side of her she shows know one else. Damn I'm so stupid why didnt I say yes. She wanted to be alone with me for hells sake!' I cursed ag my self the whole way to the village I was flying to. It was easy to steal their souls and consume them. After a while I got bored. Gloxinia told me about this plan he was doing to lure in melodis and the other sins. Knowing he he will take that bait easily but I warned him dont get cocky around melodis because things dont always go as expected when hes involved. I'm so out of character right now. I guess that what happens when you fall in love. It brings out a whole knew side of you.
After a while of thinking I went to join gloxinia at the arena he made. To my surprise everyone was already there and all the stone walls were there. Even after that he still managed to catch my eye. That damn blond headed twit. He had that dumb smile and everything. That just pissed me off even more. How can he smile after what he did to us? After what he did to her....
I jumped off of the rock and landed right in front of melodis. His smile faded and we glared at each other for a good 30 seconds.
(Y/n) POV
I was watching them with the most intent I had ever watched anything in my life. Two people I cherished most about to have a battle to the death. I cant say I didnt see this coming though, because it has been for a while. No doubt about it.
Meliodas went to strike first but zeldris was faster. Meliodas' arm was cut clean off. Meliodas got a kick in and tried to retrieve his lost arm but zeldris was too fast and stopped him before he could. "Do it" he said which caught melodis by suprise. He turned around and grayroad trapped him with his chains. Which didnt deam to do anything at the time.

Melodis went in for a few more kicks that zeldris was able to block but once he looked up again he waa greeted with a kick to the face which knocked him back a bit giving meliodas time to retrieve his arm. He then went to retreat but found out that the chains were a binding spell and he couldn't leave the area. Derieri then attacked him from behind landing one punch after the next which wasn't a good sign for him.
(Alright look I'm sorry I'm not gonna write the whole fight scene. For one I'm sure you've already seen it and I dont completely remember was happed the whole time. So please forgive me)
Esterosa was doing it. He was killing meliodas one stab at a time. "Meliodas. I'm doing this because I love you." He said as tears ran down his face. I walked up to him and lightly grabbed his cloak. Esterosa looked at me with a pitiful look. "Hey esterosa" I said quietly. "Is it okay if I do the final blow?" I asked looking up at him. He handed me the blade. "There's no need to ask" he said then stepped back. I nodded and looked down at the blond boy below me. He was in pain. I didnt like seeing him like this. I wanted to end it quickly I did, but I knew that wouldn't happen.
He looked up at me and gave a soft smile. " he (y/n)-" he coughed up blood and panted. Nevertheless he continued to smile. "You know. I still-" I stopped him before he could finish. "No. Dont say things that arent true. Your with her now. I've accepted it and moved on." I said that with a straight face but I could tell he knew I was lying. He closed his eyes and completely relaxed. "If I'm about to die I wouldn't want anyone to kill me more thank I went you too." I teared up. Shut up. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I raised the sword high. A person clung on to me a tried stopping me but my strength out matched theirs and I brought the sword down fast and quickly ending his life instantly. Tears streamed down my face and the person holding onto me let go. He fell onto the ground defeated. I walked back to the commandments and we all walked off in silence.
I looked back at him and stopped falling behind in the group. 'Melodis' I thought. 'When you come back I'll be ready.'
Alright another chapter complete. Sorry it's taking so long guys. It coming close to the end of school and I have hella work to do. Thank you though if you read all the way through and am trying my best to update as much as possible. So now have a great day or night and I'll see you the next chapter. Bye bye.

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now