chapter nine

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It's been over a year now since me and Zeldris have been living with the sins. I finally came to terms with my friends being dead. Of course I'll always miss them but no more crippling depression for me! Yay!

I had finally befriended the sins. After we talked for a bit and realised we had a lot in common. We just had to come with the terms that they had killed my friends to protect their world and I would never consider them replacements for my former friends. Another random thing estarossa came and popped in every now and then to check on me and I was happy to hear he was doing okay.

"Hey (y/n)!" A way to happy blonde greeted me as he walked up. I smiled a bit. "Hey Meliodas!" I replied standing up from the chair I was sat in.

"Me and Zeldris were gonna go out for a bit and get some food you wanna come with us?" He asked. I blushed a bit. "Of course!" I smiled. "Just let me get my clothes on."

"Can I watch?" He asked with a smug look he always did when he asked or did something perverted. I giggled. "Not right now" I smiled and closed the door.

Yeah I have feelings for meliodas... again. But I cant help it hes so cute! His adorable face the way he never ages. Even so he wasn't the only one I liked. I also liked my right hand man... Zeldris. I know I'm hopeless. Even though I had to suppress down these emotions because of my stupid curse.

I got on a pair of pants and a shoulder less maroon crop top. Putting my hair into a messy bun. (if you're hair is
long enough to so so) I put on a pair of black what meliodas calls them stripper boots on. They were the boots that went to my old empress outfit, but I went clothes shopping with Elizabeth and diane and I got a whole bunch of new clothes and outfits.

I open up my bedroom door after putting my phone in my back pocket, then head downstairs. I find almost all the sins down there and wave hi to them. They smiled and waved back.

"You ready to go?" Zeldris asked me blushing a bit at my outfit. Yeah don't think I didn't notice that you ain't slick.

"Wow went with the stipper boots bold choice" he said putting his thumb under his chin and his forefinger resting on it. I laughed "you think so? Does it looks bad?" I asked them.

"No no you look great!" The both said at the same time. I smiled red tinting my cheeks. "Aw thanks." We told everyone we would be back and went to leave.

Before we did Elizabeth stopped us. "Lady (y/n) before you leave I have something for you" she said smiling. I gasped "an Elizabeth gift?! Those are the best!"

She nodded and then presented to me a (f/c) flower crown. My eyes widened. "It took a while to make but I made it thinking about you and how happy I am you came into my life." She said. Tears formed in my eyes. "Can I hug you? " I asked. She nodded I carefully hugged her making sure my skin didn't touch hers. She was the only human who would let me hug her like this. Other than Gil but he only let's me hug him in his armor.

We pulled away. "Can I put it on you?" She asked me. I nodded and she placed the crown on top of my head. It for perfectly. Not to tight, not to loose. Perfect. "Thank you so much. Its perfect" I smiled. Everyone seemed to be shook by this pure interaction between you two.

After I said bye to everyone we left the building. We were walking in the market and they were looking at things like weapons, armor and stuff, which I am normally interested in but I had my mind set on this beautiful (favorite gem) neckless. It was so perfect. I walked up to it and studied it closely.

"See something you like?" A lady walked up to me with a smile. She looked kinda old but she wore quite a bit of makeup.

"Oh yes! I can't afford it though." I sighed. "Well I would be happy to give it to you." She smiled. "What really?!" I asked. She smiled "How much do you have?" She asked. "Um... about 60..." I trailed off realizing I probably still wouldn't have enough. "Well I'll give it to ya for 30 then." She said. My eyes widened. "Wh-what no that's to little. This necklace is so beautiful and-" she cut me off with a chuckle.

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now