Fuck this!

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Fuck this book. I hate it with a burning passion and I want it to be over. Look i weighed my options and... if I write this chapter. It's just gonna be half assed and you guys don't deserve half assed. You guys deserve the best for reading all the way through this terrible book.

I really hope you guys go find new and better books and if you want too. You can read my newer ones. I promise I won't half ass or give up on those. This chapter was just gonna be a Meliodas and Zeldris threesome chapter anyways.

I'm really sorry I didn't finish it, but I really hope you guys forgive me and just forget about this shitty story.

Have an amazing life

-Sapphire (Or you can call me stan. Either way)

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now