chapter five

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Today was a cold day. The air was blowing and you were going out. You got on a heavy coat, gloves, snow boots, and the scarf Zeldris gave you for your birthday 3 melenias ago.

"It looks good on you." You jumped a bit at the sudden voice. "Oh hey Zeldris." You smiled. "You ready to go?" You asked cheerfully. "Of course I am."

You smiled happily. And with that you two were off.

It was cold but you were able to withstand it because of your body temperature as you were a demon.

"Hey (y/n). Can I... ask you something?" He asked blushing a bit. Even so he kept eye contact with you.

"Well yeah of course. Anything!" You smiled.

"I know you're dating Meliodas and all but there been something I've been meaning to tell you..."

"Yes. What is it zeldris?"

"(Y/n).... I-I lo-"

He was suddenly interrupted. "Hey what up you two?" The interrupter smiled.

"Oh Hey baby" you smiled and gave each other a kiss on the lips.

"Anyways Zeldris, what was it you were trying to tell me?"

Zeldris looked down a bit and sighed.

"Oh it was nothing."

"Well if you say so..." You trailed off looking at him curiously.

You all continued walking in silence. Until meliodas asked a question.

"So where were you two going?" He asked.

"Well we were going to his house it's our friend night where we go out sometimes and do fun stuff or we just stay inside and do stuff. We do this because, Well today is the day we met and the day he saved my life. When we met we were on a cliff. I was goofing off and ended up falling off. Even though he knew I couldn't die he jumped after me. And that made me so happy." You said softly.

Meliodas wiped a fake tear away. "That's so sweet. Mind if I join?" He asked. You looked over to zeldris waiting for an answer.

Zeldris sighed. "Fine I guess so..." he groaned.

"Sweet! I'm sure we'll have plenty of fun." You said trying to lighten Zeldris up. While you weren't looking Meliodas gave Zeldris a smirk which Zeldris glared back in return.

You all arrived at Zeldris' house after a few more minutes of walking. You made a noise of relief. "Warmness." You sighed and began to take your winter clothes off. You were left in a damp shirt and damp pants from the snow melting on your body as it touched it.

"O-oh let me get you a fresh set of clothes. You must be pretty cold." Zeldris said and went to leave to retrieve some.

"On it." Meliodas said and took out one of his shirts and a pair of boxers. "Those are your clothes dumbass." Zeldris rolled his eyes. "Yeah but she wears them all the time." He smiled innocently.

"Oh thank you I'll go put them on right away!" You said and left the room.

A moment of silence passed between the two.

"Look I know you have a thing for my lady. I suggest you back off." Meliodas said and turned his head to glare at his raven haired brother. "Wow! So you just now figured it out? How about you make me?" Zeldris retorted. Meliodas grabbed him by the throat. "Watch what you say or I might just make you." He said menacingly.

"Hey guys how do I look?" You asked cheerfully, walking into the room. They both blushed as they stared at you. Meliodas' shirt was way too big on you so you couldn't see the boxers that were underneath.

'It looks like shes practically naked' they both thought in unison. "Well?..." You then noticed the hand around Zeldris' throat. "Oh. Am I intruding on something? My bad I'll just go." You said and turned around ready to leave.

"It's not what it looks like!" They both said. You giggled. "I know..." Your voice got deeper. "I just like to tease you." They both froze and laughed nervously. Your voice went back to normal. "Anyways what do you guys want to do?"

"Watch a movie." Zeldris said

"Play a game." Meliodas said at the same time. (I don't know if movies exist during this time but they do now.)

"Aww. Well, since it's me and Zeldris' special day so how about we watch a movie then play a game!" You said smiling. Zeldris stuck his tounge out at meliodas. He scoffed. "Fine. If that's what my future wife wants." He smiled. You all sat down on the couch. "I think we should watch something scary." Meliodas suggested. "Yeah me too!" Zeldris suggested. They both had a plan that during the scary parts you would cling onto one of them for support. 'How cute.' You thought knowing their plans.

"Okay!" You smiled. "Can I choose the movie?" You asked excitedly. "Well of course." Zeldris said.

"Mmm. Something gorey, something gorey...." You muttered "Ah got it! Childs play!" You said and pulled it out of the shelf of horror movies. You put it in and sat back down.

The movie was building to its cilmax. Meliodas had his head in between your boobs and zeldris had his face in your lap. "I-is it almost over?" They asked you. "Just about an hour left." You chuckled and pet both of their heads.

The movie had ended and their heads were still in the same places. "Hey guys the movie ended." You said. They both moved their heads reluctantly. "I-I wasn't scared at all!" Meliodas timidly said. "N-neither was eye..." they both laughed nervously. This went on for a while.

"Are we going to play the game now?" You asked. "Oh right! I wanted to play a game of strip poker!" Meliodas said. "Well I dont see why not. Let me get into more clothes." You smiled. "But." meliodas said before you left. "The two losers have to do WHATEVER the winner says." Meliodas added. You smirked "sounds good." You said and ran off to get changed.

"You idiot do you know what you just did!? What If she wins huh? You know what happened last time. It was so erotic but traumatizing at the same tim." Zeldris said a bit terrified. "Chill out. There's no way she can win. I have a plan." He smirked.
● ● ●

The game ended and you had won. Both of them were stripped completely naked while you still had stockings, panties, and a bra on. "Wow your plan worked so well!" Zeldris yelled. "Shut up at least I had a plan!" He argued. "How about both of you dickwads shut up?" They did as you said and were quiet in an instant.

"Hmmm what should I do for your punishments you naughty naughty boys~? Who should I start with? What should you do? How should you do it so many decisions!" You shouted. They remained silent. You let out a cute sigh. "Meliodas."

"Yes ma'am." He said and looked at you. "Call Gowther." You smirked. "B-but-"

"No buts."

He dialed Gowther reluctantly. You got on your knees and the punishment had begun.

One minute. One minute he had to endure your beautiful mouth sucking him off while he talked to one of his best friends.

"H-hey gowther hows it going."

"Pretty good captain. Why did you call me is something the matter?"

"No nothing I just. Ah~. C-called to say hi."

"Oh well that was nice of you captain."
A minute of talking ended and Meliodas had already came twice. You couldn't tell if he was sensitive or if you were just that good. He panted and stared at the ceiling. He would be out of commission for a bit.

Poor Zeldris who was watching his brother receive a punishment that was about to come to him soon.

"Now Zeldris." He flinched a bit. "What should your punishment be hm~?" You walked behind him and chuckled. "Hmmm~ How about you have to jerk yourself off on camera and send it to one friend~ It can be anyone you want~." He was frozen. "I-I-"

You cut him off. "I'll take that as a yes." You got his phone out and put the camera on. (I KNOW phones didn't exist but I honestly couldn't care Less.)

"Well come on~ what're you waiting for~?" He wrapped his hand around his member and slowly began pumping. He was forced to look at the camera the whole time. If he didn't, he had to add one more person to the send too list. He came in his hand with and loud moan and threw his head back. You saved the video and sent it to yourself. "Hey I already sent it to a friend of yours. I knew who it was going to anyways~" You said and set his phone on the table. He nodded completelyput of it.

They were both in pleasure and staring at the ceiling. You chuckled and got your winter clothes on. "Goodbye guys love you." You said and left the house feeling satisfied.

You woke up and and sighed. Those were only memories of the past. Right now you had business to attend to. You were gonna stop yourself and the ten commandments from taking over Britannia. For good. After you changed your panties.
Hope you guys enjoyed! While your waiting you should check out my new my hero academia fanfic. A Childhood secret. If you want to at least check it put I'd really appreciate it. #shamlessplug. Love you guys hope you're still enjoying! See you in the next chapter!

Melancholy (Meliodas x reader x zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now