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* He mensen! Ik heb dus zo'n imagine gevonden (en ik heb hem een beetje aangepast) en ik ben nog steeds aan het huilen.. Ik moet hem even aan iemand laten zien want ik wordt echt gek hier. Dus here he goes;

5SOS Imagine 20 Years From Now.

Imagine 20 years from now, 5SOS would be performing on a stadium. They would be playing their last show. As they play Amnesia, they scan all of the fans’ faces. Some of them are newer fans, the teenage ones. But most of the people in the crowd were their old fans, the ones that stood by their side eversince. You can see their little kids in the crowd. They would see tears streaming down their faces. As they finish Amnesia, Luke would come up to the mic. “Our last song for tonight is something that means a lot to us and it’s one of the very first songs we wrote..” “And whatever is in that song, we’d like to thank you because you’re the reason why we are here  now.” Ashton continues. Ash looks at Michael, signaling him to continiue. “And this song is Unpredictable.” As they start playing, they could see their older fans crying their hearts out, remembering the days. Calum looks at the whole stadium, full of people just for them. Remembering it’s their last show, he let’s a tear fall. After the show, all four of them go in the front of the stage. “Thank you for everything. Thank you for making our dreams come true.” Luke starts. “Thank you for giving us our chance to live our dream and thank you for not giving up on us.” “Thank you for being there to pick up the pieces and it’s been a privilege letting us save you somehow.” Michael says, a tear slipping down his face. “We may not be a band anymore, but that doesn’t mean we would stop haning out with eachother. Nor would we stop talking to you guys.” Ashton says. Holding tightly on Luke’s shoulder to prevent himself from sobbing. “These boys are brothers to me no wand you guys are our family. We can’t let go even if we tried.” Calum says. They stay in the silence for a few seconds. “We made it.” Ash mumbles for Luke, Cal and Mikey to hear it. “We did it. We took over the world..” Luke says to the mic. Michael let’s a few tears slip. “.. And thank you fort hat.” He continues. He wipes hs eyes with the back of his hand. Taking in a deep shaky breathe, he steps forward. “Hi, I’m Luke.” The boys follow. “I’m Calum.” “I’m Michael.” Ash takes the final step forward. “And I’m Ashton.”

Ik huil echt niet normaal veel de laatste tijd door 5SOS. Zoals als ik liedjes als I Miss You en Amnesia van hun hoor. Of als ik oude covers van hun zoals Fireflies of Drunk hoor. Maar ook gewoon bij andere gebeurtenissen. Ik ben zo onstabiel de laatste tijd omg:'). Zijn er meer mensen die zo iets hebben of is er iets mis met mij? haha.

Ik heb btw een nieuwe laptop! Ik ben zo blij! Ik heb hem vandaag gekocht (eerst was ik mijn geld vergeten dus we moesten terug naar huis en daarna weer naar de winkel) maar hij is zo mooi en ik hou ervan en omg!! 

De winnaars van de wedstrijd komen later! Ik ga nu ook verder schrijven aan HS 26 (eindelijk) Ik hoop dat ik het vandaag nog kan updaten :))

Wrong NO REAL ENDING ► 5 Seconds Of SummerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu