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Rin was later taken back to Nezu's office after finding a spare U.A. uniform for her to wear.

She had refused the blazer that came along with the uniform, and instead wrapped Aizawa's large jacket around her shoulders once she was set up with her new clothes. Rin continued to flap the sleeves of Aizawa's coat, kicking her legs to and fro as she sat in Nezu's leather chair — of which he brought out from behind his desk for her.

Nezu himself sat on the tabletop, a tea cup in his paw as he silently studied Rin. She still reeked of salt water, and her hair hung in ringlets over her shoulders as it dried. Straight-cut bangs fell over her forehead, and her pale skin almost shimmered against the light hanging from the ceiling.

She had been silent for the hours that passed by, paying very little attention to Nezu as she patiently waited for Aizawa to return. Her ears only perked once the sound of the school bells donged in the office, and busied herself with spinning her chair in circles. Her feet now adorned indoor shoes, and scuffled against the carpet as she kicked her legs.

Nezu was amazed by her patience, and how she grew to trust Aizawa in such a short time. However, despite Aizawa's general unfriendly outer shell, Nezu knew that he always had a soft spot for children. If by the time school ended and they were left without any leads as to where Rin could have come from, he knew that Aizawa would be willing to take her back to the 1-A dorms with him. There wasn't a doubt in his mind.

However, the principal worried how Rin would act around a surplus of other students — let alone the 1-A class. They were a special bunch of students, and erratic ones at that. Rin seemed to be too standoffish for all of that right off the bat, and so Nezu was left with the same question he had been pondering since that morning.

What in the world were they going to do with her?

Just as Nezu once again began to contemplate his options, his office door creaked open, and Aizawa came trudging inside. Rin perked up from her seat instantaneously once she noticed him, and hopped up from her seat to be at his side. Aizawa offered her a glance, and she returned it with a sharp-toothed grin.

"Welcome back," Nezu greeted him, aloof tone prominent as he bounced off of his desk. "She's been a dream."

"I'd imagine so," Aizawa sighed. "Did you find anything else out?"

"She's neglected to say a word since you left," Nezu confessed, situating his paws behind his back as Aizawa lead Rin back to her chair. "I don't think you'll be getting your coat back anytime soon, either."

"Figures," Aizawa rolled his eyes, tired. "Then what do we do now?"

"I've been contemplating whether or not to send her back to the 1-A dorms with you tonight," the principal filled him in. "As she does seem to fancy you; but I do not know how well she'll interact with your students."

"I can sneak her in once they're all back in their rooms," Aizawa offered, proving Nezu's previous belief correct. "But that won't be for another few hours."

Just as Nezu opened his mouth to speak, Rin's small hand arose to tug on the sleeve of Aizawa's shirt. He looked down at her gesture with a quizzical brow raised, and sighed once she pointed at her stomach.

"She appears to be hungry again," Nezu realized, an absent smile on his face. "In the meantime, why don't you take her for something to eat?"

"Does she even eat normal food?" Aizawa asked, directing his tired eyes toward the principal as he approached them.

"I suggest fish related products," he advised. "That's all she would accept from me."

"Right." Aizawa nodded his head, and with a flick of his wrist, Rin was up and following him out of Nezu's office.

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now