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Rin paced the floor of her dorm room, an arm wrapped around herself as she contemplatively tapped on her chin. The sun had long since set, and she refused any company that tried to check on her. Her glare was permanent and the All Might figurine Deku had given her sat in the space on the floor where she had frustratedly thrown it, and every so often she would take a moment to scowl at it.

She paused in her constant pace and let her fisted hands fall to her sides. Her attention flickered from the doll to the door rapidly, before finally settling on the space under her bed; where the case holding her Pro suit laid.

She growled irritably for the thousandth time that night and threw her hands in the air before intertwining her fingers into the curls of her hair. She tugged and tugged, and the longer she stayed succumb by her solitude, the angrier she became.

Rin was at a loss on what to do. She wanted to desperately put her entire situation to bed, but knew how upset Aizawa would be with her if she went against his word... how angry her father used to get when she disobeyed an order.

The thought of him made a shiver run down her spine, and despite knowing that Aizawa would never lay a hand on her, she couldn't help but be afraid of what he might do; whether that be him snapping at her or ignoring her entire existence altogether. She couldn't bare the thought of either possibility.

However, she couldn't stomach the thought of anyone dying for her even more.

A sad whimper pushed its way up Rin's throat as she slowly lowered herself to the ground. Her arms came down to hug herself once more, and she sat there on her knees for a while, thinking of what to do and second guessing all that she had come up with.

As she sat there, she truly regretted ever leaving Poseidon in the first place. She never anticipated the people she would have met — nor even considered the possibility of interacting with anyone in the first place. She knew that it wouldn't be easy once she escaped, but how things were turning out now was just plain unfair.

Her gaze drifted up from the ground, and when it had, it once again landed on the outline of her Hero Suit case sitting under the bed. Her brow scrunched up as she stared at it, and after another moment of debating, she was picking herself up from the floor and walking toward her desk.

She pulled the chair out from its place quickly and proceeded to shove the mass of her desk up against her bedroom door. She shifted it so it's back was pressed up against it, and proceeded to do the same thing with her dresser. For good measure, Rin tossed a few other things in front of it to prevent anyone from coming in without a fight, and finally went to retrieve the suit Nezu had given her.

She pulled it out of its case and examined it for only a moment before slipping it on, and discarded her dress to the bed before noticing a small circular object resting on the bottom of the suitcase.

With a brow risen, she reached down and plucked it from its spot, and turned it over in her hand to get a better look at it. It appeared to resemble the bracelet Mina had given her all that time ago, however it was far too big to fit around her wrist.

She hummed to herself as she thought of where it could go, and finally settled with looping it around her ankle — where it seemed to fit just fine. She looked down at the article of jewelry for a moment before deciding that that's where she'll keep it, and finally slid her case back under the bed.

Rin proceeded to put her hair up, and took a final once over of the room to make certain that her door was barricaded enough to give her time to vacate school grounds. Once determining that it was, she took a single calming breath, and heaved her window open.

Once kicking out the screen, Rin looked down to the bushes that lined the bottom of the building, and jumped down. She landed swiftly on her feet and pushed herself up instantly, sprinting toward the tree line that boarded U.A.'s dorms.

She was done letting everyone fight her battle for her. This time, she was going to defend herself, and if that meant sneaking away, then so be it.


"Do you think she's still mad?" Mina asked as she and Deku walked down the hall toward Rin's dorm.

"I don't think so," Deku replied, sounding a lot less sure than his words let on. "And I don't think she was mad to begin with, just... upset."

"Poor Rinny," his pink friend sighed as she looked down to the bag of salt water taffy she had gone to get for her after her outburst. "I hope these make her feel at least a little better."

"Me too," Deku agreed, and reached his fist out to knock on Rin's door. "Hey, Rin?"

He shared a glance with Mina at the lack of response, and he knocked again.

"Rin? Are you in there?" He called again, and took a step closer to the door. "Listen... I'm sorry about earlier. I know this isn't easy for you, and I... I should have tried to understand better."

He chewed on his lip, hopeful for a response as he set his palm on the surface of the door.

"Midoriya," Mina said, offering him a worried look. "Something doesn't feel right."

Deku only nodded to signal his agreement, and he wrapped his fingers around the handle.

"Rin," he spoke to her again. "I'm gonna come in, okay?"

He pushed against the door and was met with a force that kept it shut. His head snapped in Mina's direction, and she dropped the bag of taffy on the ground to give it a push herself.

"Is she blocking the door?" Mina guessed, and Deku immediately shook his head.

"She's five pounds soaking wet," he said, and shoved his shoulder into the door to force whatever was blocking them entrance out of the way. "There's now way this is her."

Once getting it open, Deku's eyes widened at the sight of Rin's barricade, and felt his heart splatter on the floor once he realized that her window was open.

"Oh God." Mina gasped with a hand over her mouth.

Deku ran up to the window and slammed his hands against the windowsill. He pushed his upper half outside to see as much of the dormitory grounds as possible, and when he couldn't spot her, a panic began to rise in his chest.


He screamed at the top of his lungs for her, and his voice carried so far that birds flew out of the canopy of leaves on the trees bordering the dorms. The echo of his shout was all he was met with, and after realizing what she had done, he staggered back from the window and palmed his forehead.

"Midoriya," Mina called to him, and he turned to see that she had the case of Rin's Hero Suit in her lap — open and empty. "Do you think she...?"

"We need to get Mr Aizawa." Deku said, and his voice sounded so strained that Mina guessed it hurt.

She didn't say another word as she bolted up from the floor to go retrieve their teacher, and Deku remained inside Rin's room, green eyes panning over the walls, and her bed, and across the floor... before landing on the familiar figure of the All Might statue he had given her so long ago.

He began to breathe sporadically as he stepped forward to pick it up, and turned it over in his hand with his thumb grazing over the chest paint of the doll. Deku stared down to it as he clenched his jaw, and wrapped his fingers tightly around All Might's figurine.

He brought it close to his chest and hunched down to the floor with his eyes sealed shut, and he prayed.

He prayed that Rin didn't do what he feared she might have.

He prayed that he and Aizawa would be able to track her down before she could make any more rash decisions.

And he prayed that she was okay, even if she really decided to confront her father.

He prayed and prayed, and he didn't plan on stopping.

Not until she was back in his arms, safe and sound.

God, just let her be safe.

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now