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Rin and Aizawa stood before class 1-A much like how they did on the small girl's first day of school. They all looked on at the pair with patient — however, concerned — glances, ones that would occasionally break away to be shared with one another instead.

Aizawa felt as if the words were caught in his windpipe. He didn't know what he wanted to say, nor how he was going to say it. He appeared to be so distracted that he didn't even mind Rin's hand holding onto the cuff of his jacket. She appeared to be comforting him, as she sensed his clear discomfort even before they entered the classroom.

Her amber eyes drew up to his scruffy face just as he let out a tight sigh, and watched his gaze fall to the tile floor beneath them. Rin's lips pursed at the sight, and quietly she tugged on his sleeve.

The gesture elicited a glance in her direction, and once gaining Aizawa's attention, she gestured toward her classmates with a nod of her head. He sighed again.

"Alright," he finally said, breaking the five-minute-long silence. "I assume you all have quite a bit of questions regarding Rin's reaction to the oceanfront fight that happened yesterday."

Murmurs proceeded to fill the heavy room, and Aizawa shifted on his feet.

"I'll start from the beginning," Aizawa continued. "Several weeks ago I found Rin stranded on the shoreline of Musutafu Beach. From there, I took her to U.A., and Principal Nezu thought it best to enroll her into the Hero Course until we could figure out where exactly she came from; given the fact that she spoke very little and lacked common motor skills. However, even after all this time, we still don't know much, except for the fact that the Ocean Villain, Poseidon, appears to be her biological father."

"So he was causing trouble all because he wanted to get Rinny back?" Mina said without raising her hand. Her brow arched worriedly.

"That's right," Aizawa confirmed, and again a wave of whispers consumed the room. "Obviously, we won't be giving her back given the circumstances. It will be our top priority as of now to keep Rin out of harms way until we are able to handle Poseidon."

"What if he gets into U.A.?" Deku asked, recalling how he had sent a handful of men to retrieve her after they escaped.

"Then we'll do everything we can to stop him," his teacher replied. "However, security will be heightened much like how it was during the Sports Festival, so the possibility of a break in is unlikely."

A few looks were exchanged between his students, and Rin's grip on his sleeve tightened.

"In regards to Rin's status," Aizawa continued, pulling his arm away to set a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "The process of her custody is being handled as we speak. If we're lucky, we'll be able to house her without any issue. Until then, I expect her to be treated as she always had. Understand?"

"Yes, sir!" His students replied in unison, and with a final look amongst their faces, he finally turned his attention to the quiet girl at his side.

"Why don't you go sit down, Rin?" He suggested quietly, shaking her gently to get her to acknowledge him.

All she did in response was nod, and he watched with a subtle frown as she walked out from under his palm.

He followed her with concerned eyes up until she sat down, and finally pushed himself to commence the rest of class.


Rin sat at her desk later that night with her head resting on her arms. She stared aimlessly at the water swirling around inside the jars that Nezu had supplied for her before school ended that day, and tapped her nail against the wood as she thought.

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now