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C'mon, Rin!"

Deku was grinning from ear to ear as he pulled Rin down the street by the hand, excitement swirling in his chest as he turned over his shoulder to look at her.

"Where are we going?" She asked, offering a perplexed look as Deku squeezed her palm.

"Just trust me, okay?" He requested, unable to contain the gentle chuckle as he turned forward once more. They crossed the street. "There's someone I really want you to meet."

An entire week had passed since Deku's feelings for Rin were finally revealed, and they had been nearly inseparable during those seven days. It felt as if there was a constant air of excitement since then, and Deku could only describe his feelings as true, utter bliss.

He felt happier then he ever had before, and he had Rin to thank for that.

His pace hastened once they came upon a small apartment complex, and Deku giddily led Rin up the stairs. Her amber eyes flicked around as she studied her surroundings, and she finally looked back to Deku once he turned to her, taking her by the shoulders.

"Okay, we're here," he grinned and plastered a quick kiss to her forehead. "You ready?"

"Not sure," she deadpanned, pursing her lips. "What are we doing?"

"You'll see." Deku offered her a warm smile, and with that, he stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out a key.

He stuck it into the deadbolt and inhaled a steadying breath as he pushed open the door, and again took Rin by the hand to lead her inside.

"Hey, Mom?" He called through the hall whilst shutting the front door behind them.

"Izuku, is that you?" A woman's voice called back, followed by the sound of padding feet against the hardwood floor.

Rin's eyes widened at the sight of a short, plump woman turning the corner. Deku was the splitting image of her, with the same green hair and round, curious eyes. The woman before them had a shocked — and also startled — look on her face upon noticing Rin's presence.

"Oh, my," she said, pressing a hand over her chest once she noticed their intwined fingers. "Who's this, Izuku? What a surprise!"

Deku chuckled gently and pulled Rin forward, loosening his hand from hers to wrap his arm around her shoulders.

"Uh, Mom," he began. A deep blush formed on his cheeks. "This is Rin... m-my, uh..."

"Your girlfriend?" His mother squeaked out the last of his sentence for him, and slapped both hands over her mouth in excitement.

"Y-yeah." Deku nodded, and Rin continued to look between them, startled by their striking similarities.

"My goodness," his mother said, walking quickly toward Rin and taking her hands. "Aren't you just darling? Look at those cheeks!"

"M-Mom, seriously." Deku laughed, covering his embarrassment as he tried to worm Rin our of his mother's grip.

"Nice to..." Rin began, voice soft. "Meet you."

"My, and you're polite!" Deku's mother nearly danced in excitement, and ushered the pair further into the house. "Please, come in! Make yourself at home, Rin. I'll put some tea on!"

Deku and Rin exchanged glances as his mother scuttled into the kitchen, and Rin didn't resist him as he led her to the dining table.

"Sorry about that..." he whispered, squeezing her hand as he sat beside her. "I've never... uh... she's just excited."

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now