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"I've called you in here today about Rin's current situation," Nezu said that following Thursday. Aizawa sat before him with his hands tapping away at his lap, impatient for what he had to say. "But I don't want you to get your hopes up."

"I won't," Aizawa promised. "Nothing is for certain until I can see her again."

Nezu hummed. "It appears we have a possible lead on where she might be."


"Osaka Prefecture looks to be our best bet." The principal continued, sliding a sheet of paper in front of him. He snatched it off of the desk to see a photo of a hooded figure entering a building close to Osaka's beachside.

"This is all we have?" Aizawa asked incredulously, looking up from the screen snap of a security cam.

"As of now, yes," Nezu nodded. He lacked his usual aloof smile. "I have Heroes scouting the area, so until we hear more, we will have to continue to wait this out."

"Wait this out..." Aizawa seethed and crumbled the piece of paper in his fist as he stood up. "Like Poseidon will just give her back?"

"I know this is less then what we hoped for," Nezu said, folding his paws over the other on his desk. "But we need to remain calm. Bursting at the seam isn't going to do anything to help Rin, and if you continue to act this way, I will have no choice but to take you off of this case — for her sake, Eraserhead."

He clenched his teeth and looked down, defeated.

"I will update you as soon as we know anything more," Nezu said whilst turning back to his computer. "Please, inform your students on the situation."

"Right..." Was all Aizawa said before turning on his heel and leaving Nezu's office.

He stormed down the halls of U.A. and slammed his fist against the wall to vent out his frustration, and immediately coiled back into himself at the searing pain that shot up into his elbow.

"Woah," Deku said in surprise as he turned the corner, startling his teacher. "Mr Aizawa? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He spat unintentionally whilst looking down to his bloody knuckles. Deku eyed the new cracks in the wall.

"What happened, sir?" Deku pressed anyway and looked back at him.

"The only lead Nezu had after almost two weeks is a guy in a hooded jacket walking into a facility by the beach in Osaka." Aizawa seethed, unable to hide his anger as he walked passed Deku. His student hastily followed behind him.

"It's at least something, right?" Deku tried to look on the positive side. Aizawa shot him an impatient look over his shoulder. "If we treat this like how we did when Kacchan was taken, then we should find her by at least the end of tomorrow, don't you think?"

Aizawa only huffed as they walked into Recovery Girl's office, and an immediate look of annoyance crossed her face to see the state of Aizawa's hand.

"Seriously, Eraserhead?" She asked pointedly, quirking an expecting brow.

"I had an..." he trailed off, scowling. "Accident."

"An accident, alright," she said sarcastically, and beckoned that he sit down on the stool next to her desk. She reached for the first aid kit in her drawer. "What in the world is the matter with you?"

Deku looked on from the doorway with a worried look on his face, and Aizawa merely glanced off to the side, still looking as irritable as he did that morning.

"Honestly," Recovery Girl scowled. "Your attitude about this whole thing is doing nothing for Rin. You're acting like a spoiled child. For Heaven's sake, the boy has more sense to keep calm then you do!"

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now