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Rin ran full tilt down the veranda of sand that covered Musutafu's oceanside. Dark clouds covered the sky, and the waves looked angry as she looked across them; mirroring exactly how she felt.

She ran up to the water with her hands wrapped into fists, and arched forward as she screamed.

"Tu me voulais, et maintenant je suis là*!" She said, scowling angrily at the water for any change. "Montre toi*!"
*"You wanted me, now I'm here! Show yourself!"

She stepped away from the waves as the water drew back, and snapped her eyes upward to see the figure of her father emerging from the depths. Her scowl darkened at the sight of him, and she took several more steps backward as he approached her.

"Salut, ma fille*," he said, his voice just as deep, and just as mean as she remembered. "Ça fait longtemps. Tu m'as manqué*."
*"Hello, daughter. It has been a long time. I have missed you."

"Qu'est-ce que tu veux*," her fists tightened so much that her knuckles turned white. A smirk appeared on Poseidon's face. "Pourquoi tu ne peux pas me laisser tranquille*?"
*"What do you want? Why can't you leave me alone?"

"Je te veux, Amaryllis*," he replied, holding his hand out to her. "Tu devrais savoir maintenant que je ne laisserai personne prendre ce qui m'appartient*."
*"I want you, Amaryllis. You should know by now that I won't let anyone take what belongs to me."

"Je n'appartiens à personne*," Rin spat, looking incredulously down at his palm. "Je veux rester et c'est ce que je vais faire. Laisse-nous tranquille!*"
*"I belong to no one. I want to stay and that's what I'm going to do. Leave us alone!"

"Tu as mal fait de décider de prendre parti contre moi, ma fille*," Poseidon said threateningly. He let his arm fall back to his side. "Et je ferai en sorte que vous et vos amis en souffriez beaucoup*."
*"You have chosen poorly to side against me, girl, and I will make sure you and your friends suffer greatly for it."

"Vous n'aurez plus jamais la chance de les toucher*," Rin said, shifting to stand defensively against him with her fists held out in front of her. "Pas tant que je suis toujours debout!*"
*"You will not get the chance to touch them again... not while I'm still standing!"

Poseidon let out a condescending laugh at that, and within a blink of an eye, he was hovering in the air before her — his face so close to hers that she could feel his breath on her cheek.

"Alors tu tomberas*." He whispered menacingly, and struck her in her chest with his fist.
*"Then you will fall."

Rin let out a breathless squeak at the impact, and she slammed hard against a lamppost in the parking lot of the beach. She crumbled to her knees as a result, but gave herself little time to recuperate as she pushed herself off of the ground to avoid another strike from her father.

She flipped in the air and slid against the tarmac on the soles of her feet, and held her arms up to protect her head as Poseidon came down on top of her once more with a leg aimed for her face.

With a grunt, Rin pushed back against him, and used her legs as the forefront of her force to get him away from her.

"Je n'ai plus peur de toi*," Rin said, her voice remaining level despite the quiver in her knees. "Je mourrai avant de te laisser le blesser à nouveau*."
*"I'm not afraid of you anymore. I'll die before I let you hurt him again."

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now