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"We've received the results of the blood test."

Aizawa sat across Principal Nezu the next day. Classes had ended that afternoon, and Rin was sent back to the dorms with Deku. Aizawa had his hands balled into tight fists in his lap, knowing well that what Nezu was going to tell him wasn't going to be good. He was unwilling to allow Rin to witness his reaction to the next problem they were to face in figuring out who she was, and held his breath in his lungs, watching as Nezu opened a beige folder.

"Her full name appears to be Mazarin Shimizu," Nezu began, black eyes glued to the contents of the file in front of him. "She is fifteen years old, date of birth labeled as February seventh, and she was born in Tokyu Hospital."

"Does it say anything about her parents?" Aizawa asked, feeling his face harden as the principal turned the page.

"Only the mother is listed," he revealed. "Yasushi Shimizu. Status deceased."

"There's no record on the father?"

"It appears that way," Nezu nodded and looked up. "And so we are back at square one. Her only recorded family is dead, and unless Rin is aware of who her father is, we are still no closer to figuring out her previous situation."

Aizawa made a 'tch'ing sound with his teeth and glared off to the side. "So what now, then?"

"Well," Nezu sighed. "Then we must keep her in U.A.'s custody until we find out more. Rin is picking up on things rather quickly, maybe she will be able to tell us where she's come from soon."

"Let's hope," Aizawa muttered, standing up. "I assume that's it then?"

"I'm afraid so," Nezu replied, closing the thin file. "In the meantime, we will commence the routine as normal."

"Right..." He sighed whilst opening the office door.

"Do not lose heart, Eraserhead," Nezu called as he watched Aizawa leave. "Everything will be sorted out soon."

Aizawa merely offered a doubtful look before shutting the door.


Rin stood motionlessly on the dock of Musutafu's beach. A gentle wind brushed through her loose curls, and tickled the ends of her skirt. Her eyes were sealed on the restless waters of the ocean before her, and the distant sound of honking cars could be heard across the beach. A flock of seagulls cried as they flew overhead, and Deku stood a few feet away, — closer to the sand — gazing at Rin as she gazed at the sea.

The pair had been standing there for some time, neither saying a word as they drank in what they found the most serene. The way the fading sunlight shined off of Rin's hair was somewhat captivating to the novice Hero in training, as was just about everything that made Rin, Rin. The way she walked, talked, and stared with an awestruck glint in her eye was simply intriguing to him, but he couldn't figure out the reason why.

To any other person, Rin was just a normal girl on the outside. Deku figured that that was how he saw her at first, too, but now something was different. Something about her was different, whether it be how he came to meet her or if there was something deeper, he didn't know. All he knew was that she made Deku think, more so then anyone ever had before. She made him feel calm and fidgety all at once. It was something that baffled him; scared him.

And the sensation of her eyes on him scared him, too.

He had zoned back in from his day dreaming to see that Rin's glance was now directed toward him. The sight of her face made his entire body tense and buzz all at once, a feeling that could only be described as aflutter; nervous excitement.

Without a word, Rin simply took a step to the left — which prompted a space to form beside her — and turned back toward the water.

Deku sucked in a quick breath as he slowly scuttled toward the space she had made for him, and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Aizawa..." Rin began, eliciting Deku to jump and whip his head in her direction. "Is worried."

"Huh?" Deku rose a brow. "About what?"

"They took my blood," she replied, not looking at him. "Nezu."

Deku's eyes rose. "For what? A DNA test?"

Rin shrugged. "He got... strange afterwards. Worried. He put his arms around me."

"He hugged you?"

She offered him a puzzled look.

"Uh," Deku cleared his throat. "Um... h-he did this?"

As he spoke, Deku took one arm and wrapped it gingerly around Rin's shoulders. Her brow furrowed at the gesture, but she slowly nodded anyway.

"Something like that." She confirmed quietly.

"I guess it makes sense..." Deku trailed off, looking down. "He ought to be protective since he's the one that found you."

"He said he wouldn't let anyone take me." Rin replied, the toe of her shoe tapped against the dock.

"He means that," Deku assured, taking Rin by the shoulders to turn her to face him. "We're friends, Rin. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you here, too."

Rin's expression softened and her eyes flickered down to his chest before flashing up to his face again. Without a word, she took a short step forward and wrapped her arms around his waist; mimicking Aizawa's previous actions.

Deku felt a jolt shoot up through his spine, and suddenly his face was on fire. His mouth opened and closed like a fish as he gaped for something to say, but no matter how hard he tried, no words hit the air.

"Hugs," Rin whispered more to herself then to Deku. "They're nice."

"U-uhm," Deku swallowed. "Y-yeah..."

When Rin didn't detach from his waist, Deku very timidly placed a gentle hand on her shoulder blade. The action elicited a quiet hum to sound from Rin, and she closed her eyes.

Sensing that she wouldn't depart from him anytime soon, Deku's muscles slowly relaxed. He looked down to the top of her head momentarily before shifting back toward the ocean, and suddenly the anxious orange-tinted waters looked calm.

An: happy new year! Sorry that this chapter is so short, but I hope you guys like the Deku & Rin fluff. I sure did.

Anyway, pls enjoy the first chapter of 2020. I appreciate all of your support, votes, comments etc. it all really means a lot to me (:

As always, don't be a stranger, and I'll see y'all next time.

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now