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Rin hopped from one foot to the other as she enunciated Deku's full first name, and swung her arms around his shoulders from behind for a sneaky hug.

The action elicited Deku to splutter out the rice he had just shoved in his mouth, and an embarrassed heat ran up the back of his neck as Iida — whom sat across from him — looked up; concerned upon hearing the sounds of Deku choking on his food.

"Oh my," Iida said, slightly amused as he angled his glasses up further on his nose. "I hadn't realized how close you two have become."

Seeing the teasing quirk of his brow, Deku wrapped a hand around Rin's forearm, which was still secured over his shoulders. The feeling of her nuzzling into him made his ears burn.

"I-it's not like that!" Deku defended loudly, drawing in even more attention from students seated nearby.

"It's totally like that! Awe!" A much higher, squeakier voice made way into the conversation, and upon flicking his eyes to the right, he could see Mina — accompanied by Jiro and Yaoyorozu — approaching. There was a broad, teasing smile on her face.

"Th-that's crazy!" Deku said, standing up abruptly and severing Rin's hold on him. She took a startled step back, her hands held close to her chest. "What even gave y-you that idea?"

Mina, Jiro, Yaoyorozu, and Iida all exchanged glances, but before any could utter even the remnant of a goad, the snarky chuckle of Bakugou Katsuki made Deku's entire body stiffen.

"You idiots really think that loser could score anything even remotely close to a girlfriend?" His words were like venom, and stabbed straight through Deku's confidence. The way his shoulders slumped could be compared to a balloon deflating, and the sight made Rin's pupils narrow. "That's the funniest thing I've ever heard you extras say!"

"Not cool." Jiro mumbled, pity written clear as day on her face.

"Bakugou, jests like that are completely unnecessary!" Iida cut in rather loudly, standing up and offering a stern frown.

"Piss off, you spoon-fed idiot," Bakugou hissed, and shoved right passed the wall of a boy to get to Deku. "I'm just speaking the truth. He just got lucky that Mr Aizawa assigned him to follow her every move. What's the reason for that, anyway? Is she disabled or something?"

Just as Bakugou was about to slam an unkind hand on top of Deku's shoulder, Rin forced her way in between them and struck him right in the chest. The action elicited Bakugou to go stumbling back until he caught himself with the table behind him.

His fiery eyes were practically exuding smoke as he shot her a menacing glare; one that would usually scare the pants off of anyone else on the receiving end. Rin merely stood her ground, tiny fists clenched at her sides as she gave his look right back at him; predatory stance intimidating.

"Be nice." Rin emphasized with a growl to her tone.

"R-Rin —" Deku began with his hands held out anxiously.

"You little parasite." Bakugou barked upon launching himself up again, palms spewing tiny explosions as he steamed toward her.

A small grunt vibrated in Rin's throat as she pushed forward on the sole of her foot, bringing her hands out whilst exerting the moisture in her palms. Sea water seeped from her skin and encased her forearms, and she used her barrier to latch her fingers onto Bakugou's hands as he let off larger, more harmful explosions dangerously close to Rin's face.

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now