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Another hour passed before any change in the fight against Poseidon took place.

Within that duration of time, Rin sat unmoving in front of the TV, hair still damp and sticking to her neck. The fabric of her dress clung to her body as she hugged herself, and her chin sat on top of her arms. Her weary eyes watched the figure of Aizawa zipping across the television screen like a hawk, and with every hit he took, the deeper she sunk into herself.

Rin was used to the feeling of guilt, but she couldn't even come close to explaining what emotion took over her then. Watching the fight almost made her want to return to Musutafu's shore; to turn herself in and save Aizawa the hurt, but — of course — when she was told to stay put, she listened.

She always listened.

With a deep inhale, Rin finally sealed her eyes closed. She listened intently to the broadcaster monologuing the battle, and didn't move under the feeling of Mina wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"It's almost over, Rinny," she heard her whisper; pitying. "Don't worry, okay? Everything is going to be fine."

Rin didn't utter a word. She was frustrated, so much so that she knew if she opened her mouth nothing but a crestfallen whimper would hit the air. The last thing she wanted to come off as was weak, but she knew that's how she's looked since Poseidon made himself known on the beach. She couldn't explain it even if she wanted to, but the feeling in her bones that came with his glare made her knees shake so horribly, she feared that she would fall.

The grip she had on her arms tightened, and as she drowned in this feeling she couldn't express, what was said next by the news anchor caught her attention.

"It appears that the unnamed villain is making a retreat. The Heroes are falling back —"

Rin's head popped up to look upon the screen once more, and she was instantly met with the ocean tide just as it enveloped the figure of her father. The Heroes who had been in the fight stood scattered on the beach, and Rin stared at Aizawa as he sat on his knees, clutching his right arm.

Rin bolted up from her seat and straight out of Mina's grip. The action startled everyone whom still watched the news, and Deku was standing instantly as she rushed out of the dormitory.

Rain still fell from the darkening sky overhead, and crackles of thunder shook the stagnate air in the distance. Rin ran out into the courtyard of the dorm property as fast as humanly possible, and buckled under the feeling of Deku's arms wrapping around her; stopping her in her dead sprint.

"Rin!" He exclaimed, tightening his grip as she began to squirm. "Hang on! Where are you going?"

"A-Aizawa!" She yelled back, breaking away and turning quickly on her heel to face him, eyes frantic.

"You can't," Deku said, taking a step toward her. She backed away as her other classmates began to file outside. "It's not safe, Rin. You have to stay."

Rin's heart skipped a beat and she looked down. Her fisted hands loosened as a helpless squeak arose from her throat, and she fell to her knees with her head in her hands. Deku rushes to her immediately, and Mina followed close behind.

"Oh, Rinny," Mina said gently, crouching down beside them as Deku hugged Rin. Her worried gaze flickered from their approaching classmates and back again. "Mr Aizawa is okay, he'll be back here really soon."

Rin only shook her head against Deku's chest with her hands on her ears. The gesture made Deku look up toward his pink friend, and they shared crestfallen looks.

"The hell is wrong with her?" Bakugou's voice sounded harsh against the sound of falling rain.

"Try to be more sensitive, man, jeez." Kirishima scolded lightly, setting a hand on the blond's shoulder, only to be shaken off as Bakugou continued to approach them.

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now