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Rin awoke late the next morning, curled in a ball atop the duvet spread across her bed. In her hands she held Aizawa's jacket, and upon opening her eyes, she saw that the trey that was left on her desk was gone.

She sat up slowly and stretched, hues falling down toward the rays of light flooding into the room from between the curtains before quipping up toward her bedroom door. Her lips pursed as she stared at the doorknob, unsure of whether it was okay to leave or not.

Her teeth grazed the inside of her cheek as she shoved her arms into the sleeves of Aizawa's jacket, bare feet colliding with the cool wood paned floor as she stepped off the bed. She shuffled toward the door and pried it open, head poking out into the hall similarly to how it did the night before. However, instead of seeing an empty corridor, she was met with Aizawa halfway toward her room; stopping in his tracks upon meeting her gaze.

"Rin," he smiled, beckoning with his hand that it was okay for her to come out. "Good, I was just coming to see if you were awake."

She scampered toward Aizawa happily, smiling at him as he led her back toward the elevator. His attention lingered on the school uniform she still wore, and his brow twitched at the realization that she didn't have any article of day-to-day clothing. Despite that, however, Rin didn't seem bothered by the fact — and bopped up and down on the soles of her feet.

He watched as she flapped the sleeves of his jacket, completely oblivious to life as he motioned her to follow him out of the elevator. It was safe to say — at least for the moment — that Rin probably spent her entire life since developing a Quirk in the water. Her very vague understanding for any form of human language was intriguing, taking that she had to be at least four or so once she was granted a special ability, and that children even that young had a basic idea on how to verbally get their point across. It made him wonder where she came from, who her parents could have been, and why she ended up in the ocean in the first place. Rin's situation almost didn't seem fair to her.

"Rin!" The sound of Mina's voice yanked Aizawa right out of his thoughts, and he looked up. "What're you still doing in your uniform, it's Saturday, silly!"

Rin merely tilted her head at that, thick brows furrowing gently in confusion as Mina leapt up from her spot on the couch. The other girls from her class looked on as Mina took Rin by the wrists and held them close to her chest.

"She doesn't exactly... have clothing at the moment." Aizawa grumbled tiredly, eliciting a gasp to escape from Mina's mouth.

"No clothes?" She gaped, turning back to the girl in question. "Like, as in zero?"

"That's what I said." Aizawa frowned.

"You do know what this means, don't you, Mr Aizawa?" Mina leaned forward for emphasis, expressing a serious look.

"I don't think —"

"Oh come on! Please?" She begged, clasping her hands together as the other girls arose from their seats. "We can all pitch in and get her at least a few outfits so she isn't stuck in the boring uniform all the time! C'mon, Mr Aizawa, pleeeease?"

At Mina's proposition, Aizawa inwardly groaned. Rin stood silently at his side, her eyes scanning each girl's face individually as they began to discuss what would look best on her. It was true that Rin couldn't just wear the same thing everyday until they found out everything they needed to know, and Mina volunteering to get her clothes gave him one less thing to do. However, that didn't stop Aizawa from worrying about Rin's wandering habit.

At the recollection of the previous night, Aizawa looked up toward the common room, and spotted Deku's curly hair immediately as he came around the corner — his nose in one of his many notebooks.

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now