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It took several hours to settle Rin enough to get her to sleep, and once Aizawa was sure she wouldn't be waking up any time soon, he finally left her dorm.

He ventured down to the common floor sluggishly, feeling the sore pang shoot down his right shoulder and straight into his fingers. The pulsating feeling made him flinch every so often, and he sucked in a sharp breath as he opened the door leading into the teachers' quarters, rolling his shoulder in the process.

Deku — who had been awaiting his teacher's arrival for some time — quickly turned over his shoulder as Aizawa entered, and moved from his place on the sofa instinctively to help his injured teacher into the recliner beside the coffee table.

"I'm alright," Aizawa grumbled, his wince deceiving his words as he settled into his chair. Deku took a seat on the edge of the table across from him. "Thanks."

Deku nodded quickly, balling his loose hands into fists on his lap. "So..."

"Rin," Aizawa sighed tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "That's who Poseidon is after. I'm sure you could have guessed that."

"Yes," Deku agreed, looking down. "Did he say anything specific?"

"He didn't really talk much at all until the end," his teacher revealed, glaring as he pondered over his previous fight. "Only that he would stop at nothing to get his 'creation' back; he... called her a monster. He said... so many cruel things about her."

Deku's face contorted into a look of angered sympathy at the sound of Aizawa's voice. He sounded defeated; beaten and bruised. Like he was at a loss for what to do and scared of the possibilities. It made Deku's heart sink to the carpet beneath them.

"He sent a few of his goons to U.A.," as Deku spoke, Aizawa finally looked up. "I was able to fend them off, and Recovery Girl is handling the legal work against them, but... the mere sight of them terrified her."

"I'm sure Principal Nezu will be doing some more handiwork on the school's security system after this," his teacher spoke more to himself then to Deku, and again he sighed. "More precautions will have to be put into place in regards to Rin's safety... she won't be able to be left alone until this situation is taken care of."

"Right..." Deku agreed. "Do you think this could be kept a secret from the others for much longer? I mean... they saw her reaction to your fight with Poseidon, and Kacchan was already asking questions before you got back."

"I don't see the point in keeping it a secret anymore," Aizawa replied, adjusting in his seat. "But I'll have to speak with Nezu before any decisions are finalized."

"Yeah..." Again, his student agreed, looking down once more.

"Thank you," Aizawa's voice made the green-haired boy jump. "For... protecting her. I'm not sure what I would have done if she was taken."

"I'll do anything it takes, Mr Aizawa," Deku reassured him, nodding with a determined look on his face. "She means a lot to me, too."

Aizawa's eyes narrowed gently at that, and after a beat of silence, he decided to let it go.

"You should get some rest, Midoriya," his teacher advised, nodding toward the door. "It's been a long day."

"You're right," Deku agreed whilst standing. "I... hope your arm feels better, sir."

Aizawa merely waved a dismissive hand, and with that, Deku left the teachers' quarters.

He walked forward a few paces until he was in front of the common room entrance, and was startled to see Mina seated on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Deku took a quick scan of the room to see that she was alone, and stepped forward to flick the light on.

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now