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Deku fell flat on his face as the thrashing water fell back down to Earth, and looked on at the space where Poseidon once stood.

Rin was gone.

"Rin!" He screamed again as he scrambled to his feet, and he sprinted into the water, splashing it away to try and make out their bodies against the depths, to no avail.

He tore and tore at the water until it hurt to breathe, and he fell to his knees as the waves kicked up into his lap. His chest rose and fell quickly as enraged tears brimmed his eyes, and he jumped under Aizawa's hand as it came down on his shoulder.

Deku whipped around to see Aizawa's bloodied nose, and felt his world shatter around him as his teacher fell to his knees with a weak whimper.

"He..." Aizawa said, his voice barely above a whisper as he clutched his stomach. "He... she's..?"

"H-he," Deku stuttered, choking on the tears he refused to let fall. "He took her, sir."

Deku watched as Aizawa's jaw clenched, and felt his chest tighten as he let out a deafening wail. The sound was unlike Deku's ever heard, and he found himself crying right along with him.

"Wh-what do we do now?" Deku asked shakily, turning his head to look out at the horizon line.

"We..." Aizawa said, pulling himself together and forcing himself to his feet. He held a hand down to Deku. "We get Nezu, and we search like hell to find her. Poseidon isn't going to get away with this."

"But... she never told us where he did his work," Deku replied, accepting Aizawa's help. "How are we...?"

"We'll find her," Aizawa said. There was a look in his eye that scared Deku. "And we'll make him pay."

"Sir?" Deku said as his teacher walked passed him.

"Let's go."

Deku took one last look at the ocean before reluctantly following Aizawa off the beach, and mentally prepared himself for the grueling days to come.


Rin fell to her knees as she was thrown into the cell she so desperately tried to run away from, and caught herself with her hands before her face could hit the floor.

"You'll stay here until you learn your place, Mazarin." Her father said coldly as he shut the cell door.

She whipped her head around to glare up at him, and bolted to her feet with her hands slamming against the steel poles caging her inside the small space.

"They'll find me," Rin promised. "And they'll save me."

"Don't count on it," Poseidon said, looking over his shoulder at her as he proceeded to walk away. "You're nothing but a liability."

"Connard*..." she muttered as she pushed off of the bars of her cell.

She stared at his silhouette as he disappeared down the dark pathway leading to her makeshift prison, and plopped down on the stone floor with an irritated huff. She held her head in her hands as she rocked herself back and forth, and eventually reached a hand up and tore the band out that held her hair in place. The swell of tears made her lip trembled, and she sunk into herself with her arms wrapped around her legs.

She sat there for a long time before the sound of the large metal door creaking open at the end of the hall made it to her ears, and she quickly looked up to see a familiar tanned man staring down at her. His hair was still the same shade of grey, and the scar slashing across his face and over his one blind eye made her face harden.

"Mazarin," he said as she stood up. "Quand le patron m'a dit qu'il t'avait trouvé, je ne le croyais presque pas*."
*"When the boss told me he had found you, I almost didn't believe him."

"Il harcelait ceux dont je me soucie*," she replied, crossing her arms and looking down. "Je n'avais pas le choix, Beau*."
*"He was harassing those I care about. I had no choice, Beau."

"Tu aurais dû mieux savoir*," Beau said sternly, lowering his head to try and catch her eye. "Vous aviez aussi des gens qui vous étaient chers ici*. Et eux? Moi*?"
*"You should have known better... you had people you cared for here, too. What about them? Me?"

"J'ai fait ce sacrifice pour m'éloigner de lui*," Rin justified, looking up at him through her lashes. "Tu devrais avoir aussi*."
*"I made that sacrifice to get away from him. You should have too."

Beau gave her a sad look before turning away from her once more. "J'espère qu'il va doucement sur vous. Avec la punition qu'il choisit*."
*"I hope he goes easy on you. With whatever punishment he chooses."

"Il n'aura pas la chance de penser à un*." Rin said, and her words stopped him from going any further down the hall.
*"He won't get the chance to think of one."

Beau turned over his shoulder to look at her, and they held each others eye contact for a moment before Rin stepped forward with her fingers wrapped around the bars of her cell.

"Et tu ne m'arrêteras pas*," she challenged, eyes narrowing. "Es-tu*?"
*"And you won't stop me, will you?"

"Prends soin de toi, Mazarin*." Was all he said before leaving her to her solitude once more.
*"Take care of yourself, Mazarin."

She stepped back into the darkness of her cell, and held her arms out to her sides once the door shut behind Beau. The moisture within her skin released from her pores and surrounded her hands, and she thrust her arms forward whilst solidifying the water into a sort of extension of her hand.

Her brow arched even further as she balled her hands into fists, and the current hardened over the door of the cell. She yanked her arms back, and the action elicited the cell door to rip clean off its hinges.

She hopped out over the debris and went straight for the exit, where she knew her kidnapper would be waiting for her.

'And taking care of myself I will, Beau,' she thought as she sucked in a steadying breath. 'Just not here... I hope you can forgive me.'

An: sorry for the obvious filler chapter y'all but I gotta keep ya on your toes for as long as possible ;)

Gone With the Tide ((MIDORIYA IZUKU X OC))Where stories live. Discover now