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kornbread: hello hello amigos

ne(r)d: yo

hamburger: heya big boy

eugenebang: ugh

kornbread: you guys still good to film at my apt tonight?

hamburger: um yEAH? let's get this bread

eugenebang: ugh x2

hamburger: aww c'mon gene lemme be cool
hamburger: i deserve a moment

kornbread: "gene" i'm caCKLING

ne(r)d: that is the single w o r s t nickname i've ever heard

eugenebang: yo tell me about it
eugenebang: i've tried to get him to stop and he just. won't.

hamburger: yeah, yeah
hamburger: you'll thank me later when we put it on a t-shirt and make money

eugenebang: oh, how could you heartlessly monetize your bestest fwend?!

ne(r)d: all right you two stop being cute

eugenebang: i am NOT cute

kornbread: can we put my clitoris quote on a t-shirt?

ne(r)d: abso-fucking-lutely not

kornbread: :'(


all the try guys are at zach's apartment that night to film. they're reacting to old home videos from their babyhoods to their angry teen years.

keith sits on the couch, kettle corn steaming in a huge bowl sat on his lap. ned and zach are setting up equipment while eugene gathers blankets. he turns to answer a question ned asked him and finishes only to find eugene stuffing something in his mouth and chewing quickly. his eyes dart to meet keith's and his jaw freezes guiltily.

"you absolute dickwad!" keith screams, only half joking. "how could you betray me like this?"

eugene swallows. "sorry, man. i'm hungry."

"okay, well, there's plenty more where this came from," keith says, holding the bowl to his chest protectively.

"yeah," eugene says, drawing out the word. "but i won't get a rise outta you if i do that."

"oh, so that's what you're in it for," keith retorts, sniffing.

"you can bet your ass," eugene fires back, lunging to steal more. keith finds a few unpopped kernels and throws them at eugene's head. he retaliates by slapping keith's arm before ned separates them.

"all right, you two. don't kill each other quite yet. i wanna be able to use these clips as blackmail before you die." the two men fake-pout and sit back into the couch. keith wraps a blanket around himself.

"setup is ready," says zach as he stands up from fiddling with a particularly finicky wire. he almost hits his head on a camera and narrowly dodges it. "yep, all done. almost ruined it though."

"sit down before you wreck anything else," keith giggles, talking around the popcorn in his mouth.


it's almost two hours later, and they've only just got through eugene and ned's films. they're starting to transition into zach's when keith feels eugene shudder against him where their sides are touching. it sort of feels like laughter, so he keeps his eyes on the screen.

when the action is repeated three times in the next minute, keith looks over at him. eugene's arms are folded tightly over his chest and his brows are drawn tight together.

"aww, is poor eugene cold?" keith whispers in a honeyed tone.

"no," he hisses through chattering teeth. "i, eugene lee yang, do not undergo such common occurrences as feeling cold."

"the heat radiating from my toasty body isn't enticing you even a little?" keith whispers back, smirking.


"suit yourself."

keith glances periodically at eugene through the next several minutes. he almost looks like he's fighting an internal battle. after several more seconds, he huffs. "fine. just let me share the fucking blanket."

"ah, i knew you'd come to the dark side."

"don't test me."

keith unwraps a side of the blanket and throws it over eugene's shoulders. "c'mere." eugene hesitantly scoots over until they're practically cuddling. it feels stiff and rigid at first, but keith can feel the other man slowly relax into his body heat. a few of his unruly curls brush against his face. it tickles and he almost moves, but, for some reason, he doesn't feel the need.

besides (not that he would admit this, ever), he smells kind of good.

they sit there together for the rest of the filming, unaware of the glances they're getting from the other two try guys.



i apologize omg my sister had a basketball tournament this past weekend so i didn't have time to write. also i've had a nasty throat infection :(( but it's getting better!

(speaking of getting better i have an art book up by that name,, if u like crusty drawings of mostly people check it out ahahaah not spon what're u yelling abt)

what have all you been watching on youtube lately?? i've been nutting over starkid musicals; twisted in particular (roBERT MANION HHH)

i love you all sm please please please let me know what you think of the fic so far! send criticisms, suggestions, or whatever my way!!

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