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Several hours had passed and Malik had retreated into our body letting me take over, so he could rest. Ahsha was tending to Dominic who was covered in sweat and shaking uncontrollably. I knew any minute he would pass out from exhaustion and I wouldn't be too far behind him. "Ares?" I looked up seeing Ahsha standing behind me. It took me a second to realize that I was standing in the bathroom leaning over the sink. "Dominic's going to blackout soon and once he does it's only a matter minutes before I do," I said. "Then what happened?" Her soft asked. "The process will happen, and you will need to leave," I said turning to look at her. "Why?" She asked confused. "Dominic is going to get all his powers back so when we wake up he'll be in complete control," I said closing my eyes. "Come sit back down." She said letting me lean on her. We walked back into the bedroom to see Dominic's eyes closed. "Dominic?" Ahsha called as I sat down. She tried to wake him up, but he was out.

I laid down to get comfortable for what was going to happen next. "Ahsha go home." I snapped at her. "Ares..." "Go... home...now," I growled out. I almost instantly regretted it seeing her scared face. She grabbed her things and left without another word. "Fuck," I grumbled. You didn't have to be so harsh. Malik said in my head. "Shut up," I mumbled before Dominic started coughing. I stood walking towards him. As I stood over him I noticed his fingers were starting to fade. I took a seat in the chair in the corner and watched as he slowly began to fade.


I was walking downstairs annoyed at how Ares spoke to me when my name was called. "Ahsha?" I turned to see Emilia, Malik's mom standing at the end of the hall. "Hello, Mrs. Ahmad," I said softly. "Please, call me Emilia we're practically family now." She said. I honestly wasn't in the mood to talk but I didn't want to be rude. "If you want to talk about everything that happens I'm one of the few people who will understand what you're going through." I looked at her intrigued. "You get what I'm going through?" I asked confused. "I'm human and my husband is... well he isn't." She said.

My eyes widened slightly. "Can we talk now?" I asked. "Of course. Follow me." She said leading the way down the hall. We walked into this bright day room. "Please sit anywhere." She said. I sat at a small couch near a window. "Can I get you something to drink?" I shook my head. "No thank you. I'm fine." She smiled nodding her head before she joined me. "So, what's on your mind?" She asked. "This is all just so crazy. I'm mates with a man who has two demons. The only time I feel good is when I'm with them, but I terrified of what they could do to me." I said looking at Emilia. "Malik is a very loving person when he cares about someone. Although he may have a hard time showing it." She paused.

"What about Ares and Dominic?" I asked. She sighed. "What?" I asked. "I'm sure you heard about Dominic's past?" She asked. "Yes," I mumbled. "Well, Ares—" She stopped as the doors to the room slammed open. Standing there was Ares looking just like he had the night of the blood moon only slightly darker. His dark eyes zeroed in on me before he smoothly glided across the floor towards me. I quickly stood as he rapidly approached me. "A-Ares?" My words stumbled out. "Ares!" I looked behind him to see Mr. Ahmad, Cairo, Jericho, and Alexander. Ares never took his eyes off me.

"Mate." He said. I looked at him confused because that most definitely was not Ares's voice. "You're not Ares," I said before a smile broke out across his face. "I am." He stated. He went to touch my face but I stepped back. "Do I scare you?" He asked. "No," I said truthfully. "Ares leave her alone." Mr. Ahmad said. Ares kept his eyes on me when Alexander came and grabbed my hand.


I was staring out the window as Alexander drove me home. "I know you didn't ask for any of this but please give them a little more time to their shit together." He said. I stayed quiet. "This is all new for them. They've waited so long to find you that they all gave up hope." He continued. "What does it feel like to have a mate?" I asked. "Your chest tightens at first before a calmness washes over you. As the bond intensifies the need to be with them does also and over time you two become an anchor for one another. You become their home, their person, their love." Alexander said.

"Just look at your parents." He added. "Or at Isaac. He's only known Veronica for a week or two and I'm sure you see a difference in him." He said as he pulled into my driveway. I did see a difference in him but the rational side of me just couldn't understand how someone could fall in love so quickly.

Once I had gotten inside I was immediately bombarded with questions. "Ahsha are you okay? Do you know what time it is?!" My mom asked examining me. I guess while I was with Malik, Ares, and Dominic I lost track of time because it was now after 1 a.m. "I'm sorry I didn't call," I said before being interrupted. "Ahsha you can't just come and go when you want. You're only seventeen." My mom began going off. "Anything could happen to y—" "God will you just leave me alone. It was you and dad's fault for bringing us out here and now you're mad at the consequences. I'm just trying to get a full understanding of everything but everyone keeps hovering around me. I can't think!" I snapped in a huff but almost immediately regretted it. "I know you—"

"Ahsha we're just concerned." My dad interrupted looking at my mom before turning back to me. "We know you're trying to figure things out we just want to make sure you're safe and that you know we're here to help you. You left and disappeared for over 6 hours without a word. We were worried." Ali said hugging me. I looked at my parents tired and worried faces and I felt terrible. "I'm sorry and I was with Malik and Dominic." I paused. "Malik and Dominic are re-conjoining, and I was just helping," I explained. "They're re-conjoining." My dad stated rather than asked.

"Yes," I said looking up at him. "I need my phone." He said. I looked at my mom confused while my dad walked off. "Ahsha why don't you head upstairs." My mom said walking off. I shook my head before heading upstairs.


"Ahsha?" She turned to see Nuri poking her head out of her room looking at her. Nuri grabbed Ahsha's hand pulling her into her room where Isa and Veronica sat. Ahsha plopped down on her sister's bed before Nuri came over and cuddled up to her.

"We heard mama and dad," Isa said looking at his twin. Ahsha opened her mouth to speak when a shock went through her body. Everything sounded muffled and distant. "Ahsha?" Isa said in this distorted voice. Everything was moving in slow motion, and Ahsha found herself drawn to the door. She got up with Isa, Veronica, and Nuri following her down the hall. "Shit." Veronica could be heard saying as they followed Ahsha down the stairs. Ahsha reached the bottom of the stairs to see her dad standing in front of the door looking at Ares. His head turned, and his eyes locked with Ahsha's except they were no longer black but red with a dark ring around them. She felt this strong pull urging her to go to him and the familiar feeling of her body heating up once again.

"Come to me." His voice was unlike anything Ahsha had ever heard. Ahsha took a step towards him only for her mom to stop her. "No, he's in his most volatile state." Mia pleaded which caused Ares to growl. Ahsha looked at Ares who face held this dark look that would terrify others. However, she didn't feel anything but calm as she looked at him. "Mama It's okay," Ahsha assured. "No it's not. I won't allow you to go running off with this..." "Say it." Ares taunted. "This MONSTER." Mia snapped. "Mia look at her. If she doesn't go with him tonight she will die." Ali tried to reason. Mia looks from her husband to her daughter and over to Ares. She sullenly stepped aside. "Bring her back safely," Ali said. Ares nodded his head before pulling Ahsha into his arms staring at her. Within the blink of an eye they were gone.

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