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Almost 6 days had passed since Ahsha left and I've found myself agitated. With her being gone, knowing that Aaron and Khalil were with them helped a bit.

They made it a point to keep me apprised of any and everything that happened. They had even gone as far as to send me a couple videos and pictures of Nasir and Ahsha. I was going through my phone looking at those pictures. She said we'd speak soon but it was going on a week since I had heard from her.

I missed them and I wanted them here with me. The longer they were gone the shorter my patience grew. I sighed tossing my phone on my desk. I knew Ahsha needed to clear her head and she said it had nothing to do with me or Pablo, but I knew that was a lie.

'She wouldn't have said it if she didn't mean it.' Pablo said. "You can't possibly believe that." I said. "It's like Isaac said. A strong person can only deal with so much before it gets to be too much. We did a lot to her. We pushed he away and what if she doesn't come back. What if we've broken her." I questioned as I checked my phone again.

'She's not broken.' Pablo snapped. I tensed at his words. "I didn't mean it like—"

'I know what you meant but just don't. Ahsha is the kindest person we've ever met. She's been fare more patient with us then we deserve. Everyone needs a break occasionally. This is hers.' Pablo said.

"Why are you so calm about all of this?" I asked.

'Because I believe whatever spark she saw in us that told her to give us a chance is still there. If she really wanted to leave us she'd be gone.' Pablo paused.

'We are by no means perfect but we're so much better than how we were. We still have issues that we need to work out but I want the opportunity to show her that we're trying. I don't know if it's just me but I want to be the man, father, and future ruler the both of them deserve.' Pablo said.

"It's not just you." I said as we both sat quietly with our own thoughts.

"We've gotten word from a source within the Ahmad family that a huge announcement is expected to be made in the coming weeks." I looked up at the tv at the mention of my family.

"Many are speculating that it will be about eldest son, Malik Ahmad's engagement to long-time girlfriend and mate, Ahsha Saleem." The first news anchor said.

"Some are also suggesting that it may have something to do with the curfew that was put in place several weeks earlier. In any case for your continuous updates regarding the royal family tune in to—" I turned the tv off confusion washing over me.

'Our mother may do a lot but she wouldn't go behind out backs and announce our engagement to the world without our approval.' Pablo said.

"Are we talking about the same woman here?" I questioned before their was a knock at my door. "Come in." I called. I watched as Alexander walked in with Cairo and Jericho trailing him.

"What's up?" Jericho asked with a smile. I looked at the three of them. "Nothing much. What are you three doing here?" I asked. "Well—." Jericho said. "We talked to Isaac about Ahsha," Alexander said. "Why didn't you tell us?" Cairo asked. I sat back in my chair. "What was there to tell?" I asked with a shrug.

"Your mate left you and took your child. I don't know, maybe we could've been here to help or something. We're your brothers and best friend and you've just completely shut us out." Cairo snapped.

"Cairo that's not what I was trying to do." I said. "Well that's how it feels. I know you have your own life. I get that, but your still my big brother—."

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