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After cleaning herself up Ahsha took her seat and glanced up at her mates seeing them seated as well. "Everything okay?" Andy asked seeing the dim golden swirls in her eyes. "Yes." She answered before clearing her throat.

"Let's continue," Isaac announced glancing at his little sister. She gave him a very guilty smile and to that, he just shook his head.

"So you decided that you valued your daughter and her child more than your son and his?" She questioned. "That's not what happened. Olujimi—,"

"Before you try to lie I will warn you—," Ahsha paused as Olujimi appeared. "To pick your words wisely." He said. Petre flinched but said nothing.

"I—," She froze. "Yes, I did," Mira admitted. Isaac looked at his sister as she turned away from Mira. "Do we need to take an actual break before you pop off?" He asked. Ahsha chuckled a dry unamused laugh. "What's funny?" Petre asked. "That's not a laugh that's restraint," Isaac spoke. "Please keep going." Ahsha's voice shifted between her own and Oshun's. "So you traded you—you traded Ares and then?" Harrison asked.

"I didn't trade Ares that's just happened to be the child chosen, but I did feel guilty and tried to find a workaround. This is how Ares ended up inside of Malik, but as you know three beings cannot be in one body. So I again tried to correct things—," "And you thought the best way to do that was to banish Ares." Adrian said. Mira looked at him trying to find the right words. 

"I didn't want to banish him, but I didn't know what else to do. The debt to Olujimi had to be paid. Besides he was the more aggressive one of the three. The more violent one. You of all people should know that." Mira motioned to Ahsha as she tried to justify her actions. "I'd be a little violent too if my grandma fucked my shit up inside the womb too." Ahsha chimed in.

"I tried to fix it, but Olujimi didn't want—," "Mind your words. I agreed to a trade, but you turned me down if you remember." Olujimi's voice echoed. "What was the trade?" Imam asked. "Her life in exchange for her grandson's." He answered. Imam shook his head purely disgusted. 

"She said no." Olujimi shrugged. "So you traded your grandson. Then you try to fix it and messed it up more. And then once again you try to correct things only to conclude that banishment is the only way, is that what we're hearing?" Taj said.

"All for your efforts to not work and destroy so many people's lives," Andy said. "On top of it, you truly valued your life and the life of the children you had with your mate over the ones you had with your husband." Jacob continued. "Did it work?" Isaac asked. Ahsha knew it hadn't. Mira looked down taking a minute. "No." She answered. 

"So then what happened?" "I left. I went back to Petre, Gabriela, and my grandchild." She said. "And Petre just accepted you back?" Jacob questioned. "Not right away it took some time but eventually yes. Until she left a few months ago. She kept in contact with me this time and we talked often until it just stopped." Petre explained.

"Until Mira was imprisoned," Ahsha said. "Yes." He mumbled. "I came back because Olujimi told me that I still had a debt that needed to be paid. So with Dominic's—," "You involved Dominic?" Petre asked. Malik and Ares looked at Pablo, but he kept his eyes on the scene below. "Wait. Dominic, you mean Pablo?" Adrian asked. "Yes," Ahsha answered. "So Petre you knew Dominic—Pablo was her grandson?" Harrison asked. "No she told me he was her nephew, and she took care of him like her own grandson. Fuck Mira." Petre sighed frustrated. Ares and Malik stared at Pablo stunned.

Ahsha looked at her mates feeling the confusion and questions fill her body. "Damn," Jacob said. "Continue," Isaac said. "To fix everything once and for all Dom—Pablo needed to go back into his right body. It took longer than intended because Ares locked Pablo away, but once I was able to get him out the plan was back in action." 

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