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Isa and I got to our room only to hear a knock on our door. I turned around and opened it to see my mama and several men behind her. "What's going on?" I asked looking at her. "Apparently our rooms have been upgraded. These two gentlemen are going to help both of you move your things." My mama said. "Who is paying for this?" I asked. "Mr. Ahmad, he said all your charges will be on the house." One of the men said. "And who is that?" I asked. "Ahsh, shut up. If this man wants to pay for our stuff let him." Isa said. "So, some man we've never met wants to pay our bill to stay here and everyone is okay with it?" I asked looking from my brother to my mama. "Who are we to say no?" Isa said. "Mom?" I asked looking at her. She sighed. "Ahsha, Isa's right." I shook my head. "Whatever." I said stepping out of the way as the two men came in grabbing our things.

We followed them to the elevator and each man pressed a different button. "We're not staying on the same floor?" I asked the two men. "No, you two will be staying on the penthouse suite." The man said. "See this is getting creepier by the minute," I said to Isa and my mom. "You didn't say we weren't going to be on the same floor." Our mom said. "These were the only rooms available." Isa and I looked at our mom. I couldn't even lie I found it funny that she got stuck with a basic room while Isa and I got the fancy room. After all they forced us to move across the world without even thinking about us. The elevator came to a stop on her floor and the doors opened before she stepped out. The elevator doors closed before I glanced at the large man. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Aaron." The man, or rather Aaron said as the elevator dinged, and the doors finally opened.

There were only four doors on this floor they were spaced out perfectly. We followed the man to the first door and led us in leaving us shocked. "Damn." Isa and I said as we took in the huge space. "This is insane," I said looking around. I explored the penthouse and eventually found where I would be sleeping. The room was beautiful, and I was in awe of everything. The entire room was four times the size of the room me and Isa were going to be sharing. I turned to see there was a door that leads outside to the balcony.

The view was amazing and the fact that there was a pool I knew I would be spending a lot of nights out here

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The view was amazing and the fact that there was a pool I knew I would be spending a lot of nights out here. I walked downstairs to find Isa lying on his bed. "I could really get used to this." He said. I chuckled before heading back into the living room where Aaron stood and the other man who had left to help my mom. "Do you and your brother like the suite?" Aaron asked. "Yes, it's beautiful," I said. "Will we be meeting Mr. Ahmad to thank him?" I asked still wanting to know why some stranger would pay for all of this. Especially for a family he didn't know.

"We can call him and see when we can expect him back." The other man said. "What's your name?" I asked. "Khalil." He said. I nodded my head. "Well it's nice to meet you and I guess that's fine." I said. "Good here are your keys." I nodded my head. "These access keys are custom made for the floor. They are your only way to get on and off the floor." Khalil said. I made an impressed face. "Fancy." I said before I headed back to my room.

"There is one more thing." Aaron said. "And what is that?" I asked turning to look at them one last time. "Our boss has asked that we be...." Khalil trailed. "Your own personal travel guide. Just so you don't get lost or do something seen as offensive." My eyes widened. I hadn't even thought about how I could unknowingly do something offensive and end up in jail. "Your boss really thought of everything, huh? I guess that's for the best I wouldn't want to end in trouble or something." I said. "If you need us for any reason these are our numbers. We're available 24/7." They said handing me their card before they left.


I was standing in my father's home looking at the family portraits that hung on the wall. I come from one of the top five controlling families across the world, with our family being the largest. I walked down the hall looking at each of the pictures remembering what my father told me about them. My grandfather, Saiyr, was well liked by all when he was in charge. He used his cleverness to persuade people to follow him.

Aunt Silvia took over for the family she was the reason behind the power growth our family experienced. I finally came to my father's portrait. He had been in charge for several centuries now. Since he's been in charge of things our family has gained the controlling majority of the five top families. I looked at the empty frame next to his that held my name underneath it. I had put off take over for my father for several years now but a few weeks ago after much persuasion I finally agreed to take over. "In the coming week your face will be up there." I heard my father say as he stood next to me.

"I still don't think throwing a party is necessary?" I asked. "Your mother really wants this. She thinks you might find you mate there." He said with a chuckle. "Besides its also for our new employees to meet the rest of our associates." He added. I had never been too concerned about finding my mate, if I found her good if not it wasn't a big deal to me. I knew whoever my mate was would be better off without me but now having held her in my arms I knew I wouldn't be able to let go no matter how much I wanted to. "Something seems different about you." My father said looking at me. "What do you mean?" I asked looking his way. "Your scent is different." He said with a raised eyebrow before we walked down the hallway to his office. I shrugged waving him off. I wasn't ready to tell anyone that I had found my mate, especially with this unnecessary week of events coming up.

As we were walking down the hall to his office my mother came out of one of the many room in this castle of a house. "My love" My mother said as she hugged and kissed my father. With my mother being human she really balanced out my father's demonic side. I knew the things that my father could do but because of my mother he never let his demon take full control. That was something I didn't think I would be capable of doing.

"Malik." She sang pulling me into a hug. "Hello mom." I said hugging her. She grabbed my face examining it. "Your eyes look different." She said. "Rafi don't his eyes look different?" She asked. "Maybe they look different because you're forcing this party on me." I said. "On second thought they look fine." She said patting my cheek giving me a sweet smile. I shook my head. "What are you two up to?" She asked. "We have some business to discuss, Emilia." My father said. When it came to the bad stuff that my family had to do my mom didn't want to know anything and we were fine not telling her. "I see. Well I'll be in the kitchen." She nodded before leaving us.

We walked into his office before taking a seat. "I need you to pay, Nadim a visit." He said as he sat back in his seat. I nodded my head. "What did he do?" I asked. "He's been spilling information to the Marino's." My jaw tightened. The Marino's had been longtime rivals they wanted to make name for themselves and they would do anything to do it. "Your brothers already has him at the tombs. If you wanted to wait until tomorrow." I shook my head. "The sooner he's gone the better." I said standing.

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