Chapter Seventeen

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That's all I could feel was pain, it radiated throughout my entire body.

Groaning, I tried opening my eyes, only to be met with darkness. Blinking my eyes a few times, I realized I had been blindfolded.

I tried to move my stiff limbs, but I couldn't, my arms and legs had been tied up.

Panic coursed through my body as I tried to get lose, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't. Whoever had tied me up, definitely succeeded in making sure I couldn't get free.

What do I do?

Where am I?

Who took me?

I had so many questions running through my mind, my heart kept feeling like it was beating ninety to nothing.

I kept telling myself to take some deep breaths, but I couldn't, I just kept panicking.

Am I going to die? I thought, as voices behind me, interrupted my thoughts.

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