Chapter Nine

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(Jason's pov)

"I can't believe you seriously asked her to join us for lunch," I said as Nathaniel gave me a 'are you kidding me right now' look.

"It was your fucking idea," Nathan said in a irritated tone, causing people around us to stare.

"I know it was, but now that this extravagant plan of mine is actually playing out before my eyes, I'm starting to think this wasn't such a good idea."

"Oh now you think it's a bad idea." Nathan released an annoyed sigh as he slumped against his seat.

"Just act natural and I'm sure things will go fine," I said trying to calm him.

"This is a stu-"

"Hey Nathaniel," a feminine voice said, looking up I saw that Katie was standing infront of our table, with a nervous look sketched on her face.

"Hello Katie," Nathan said as Katie pulled out a chair, quickly sitting down.

"Jason this is Katie, Katie this is Jason," Nathan said, introducing us. I looked over at Katie, giving her a kind smile as I extended my hand towards her.

"It's nice to meet you," I said, Katie returned my smile as she placed her hand in mine, lightly shaking it before pulling away.

"It's nice to meet you too."

"So Nathan says you're new to the neighborhood," I said, trying to ease into the questioning process, I glanced over at Nathan to see he had a tense expression on his face.

"I am, I just moved here from South Dakota actually."

"Why did you decide to move here?" Nathan asked, he seemed to be finally relaxing a little bit.

"I just needed a change of pace," Katie said, seeming a little uneasy with that question.

At first I thought I had been the only one to see her body language change, but with a quick glance over to Nathan, I knew I wasn't the only one.

"So, Jason. Are you a nurse or a doctor?" Katie quickly asked, examining the scrubs I was wearing as she changed the subject.

"I'm a psychiatric nurse."

"What about you Nathaniel?"

"I'm an artist," Nathan said.

"Really? That's kind of a risky career to go in."

"I was one of the lucky one's," Nathan said as he wore a small smile on his face.

"What about you Katie. What do you do for a living?" I asked.

"I am an interior designer," Katie said as the waiter walked over to us.

"Hello, my name is Eli and I will be your waiter today," Eli reached into the pocket of his apron, pulling out a pen and order pad.

"I'll be starting with your drink order, then I'll come back to get your orders."

"I'd like a root beer please," Katie said.

"Sweet tea," Nathan said as Eli wrote down his order.

"And for you sir?" Eli asked, looking over at me.

"Dr. Pepper."

"Alright I'll be right back," Eli said, briefly smiling at us before leaving.

"So, Katie," Nathan said, drawing her attention back to him.

"You said you just moved here from South Dakota."


"We're you born and raised there or?" He asked.

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