Chapter Twenty

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(Sara's pov)

"Is Jason ok?" Lana asked, looking a little concerned.

"Nathan and him have been friends since they were little, so he worries about him a lot."

"Well is there a reason why he's so worried, I mean most people don't freak out like that just because their friend isn't answering the phone."

"He has a reason, but I really shouldn't tell you, Nathan would be so mad at me if I did," I said, causing Lana to give me a confused look.

"Well is it serious?"

Biting my lip in uncertainty, I just looked at her. Should I tell her? If I did tell her though and Nathan was ok he'd be so mad at me, not only that but what if it changed how Lana saw him.

"Sara, is something wrong with Nathan?" She asked, now looking concerned.

"Lana if I tell you, promise me you won't tell anyone and especially Nathan that I told you."

"I won't, I promise."

"When Nathan was younger he lost someone really close to him, he went through a very hard time, and he started drinking, a lot. Well he got clean, and was sober for a while, until a few months ago, when he relapsed, but he got help and has been sober for a few months," I said, as Lana just stared at me. Oh no, please tell me I didn't just fuck up by telling her.

"So does Jason think that Nathan has relapsed again?" Lana asked.

"Well the last time Nathan didn't answer his calls and texts was the night Jason had found him when he relapsed."


"Please don't judge Nathan, if I thought he wasn't a good guy I wouldn't have set you two up on a date."

"Sara relax, I'm sure Nathan would've told me eventually, I'm not going to judge Nathan on having something he struggles with, we all have our demons, some are just worse than others," Lana sincerely said, I could feel my body relax at her words.

"I hope he's ok, I'm hoping it's just Jason being Jason," I said as my phone started ringing, looking down, to see Jason's name on the screen.

"Speak of the devil," I said before answering the phone.

"Hey baby."

"Sara, I need you to do something for me," Jason said in a panicked tone.

"Jason what's wrong?"

"I need you to get a hold of Nathan's Father, please hurry!"

"O-Ok I will, but can you tell me what's wrong?"

"It's Nathan, I came over here to check on him and oh my God Sara there's so much blood." Jason's voice was shaky as he spoke, the line went silent while I was trying to process what was going on.

"Sara is everything ok?" Lana asked.

"Baby I have to go, the police are here but please get a hold of his dad." With that, Jason hung up the phone.

Pulling the phone away from my ear, I just sat there, trying to get my mind to calm down, so I could calmly call Nathan's Father.

"Um, Lana, could you go get me the list of contacts off of the fridge, please." Lana gave me a confused look before she left to get the list.

"Sara did something happen?" Lana asked once she returned with the list.

"Jason went over to Nathan's house, he said something about there being a lot of blood then he hung up when the cops showed up." Lana's face grew deathly pale at my words.

Once I had found his Father's name on the list, I dialed his number, bringing the phone to my ear as I listened to it ring before he picked up.


"Hey George, this is Sara, Jason's girlfriend."

"Ah yes, Sara. How are you dear?"

"Um, I'm ok I guess but the reason I called is cause Jason asked me to get a hold of you," I said as the line went quiet, before I could here a tired sigh on the other side.

"Did Nathaniel relapse again?" He asked.

"No sir, um. Well you see, Nathan was supposed to call Jason today and well he never did and you know how Jason is, he started to worry so he decided to go over there to check on him, and he found, well he."

I knew I had to tell him but my stomach was in knot's, how was I supposed to tell him.

"What did he find? Sara is there something wrong with my son?" George said, his voice full of panic.

"I don't think I should be telling you this over the phone George."

"Sara please tell me."

"Jason called me and told me to get a hold of you, he said when he got there, um, he said he found blood, that's all he said before the cops showed up."

I sat there waiting for George to reply, but I was met with silence.

"George are you still there?"

"I have to go."

That was the only thing he said before the line went dead. Pulling the phone from my ear, I placed it on the table in front of me. I looked over to Lana to see she was biting her nail nervously.

"I'm sure he's ok Lana," I said, reaching over, grabbing her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

She looked up at me, nodding her head in agreement. Biting my lip nervously, I looked away from her, hoping I was right and that he was ok.

Something in my mind, and my gut kept telling me that something wasn't right. Little did I know that I would later find out that my feeling was right.

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