Chapter Ten

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(Nathan's pov)

"Are you sure you're ok?" Jason asked me.

It's been a few hours since we left the restaurant, where we had, had lunch with Katie at.

"I'm not sure," I answered truthfully.

I was just about to the leave the restaurant, when Katie had said something, something that I hadn't heard in fifteen years.

*A Few Hours Earlier*

"Thank you both for inviting me for lunch," Katie said, smiling at the two of us.

"It's not a problem," Jason said, returning her smile.

I knew something was weighing on Jason's mind. When Katie had mentioned that she was adopted from Hanson Orphanage, his whole demeanor had changed.

Katie was a very nice girl, but there was just something there that wasn't right.

"Well next time it'll be my treat."

"You don't have to do that," I said, Katie shook her head in disagreement, as her southern voice soon could be heard.

"No, I insist. You two didn't have to invite me, it's the least I can do."

Jason and I just shook our heads in agreement. We knew she wasn't going to take no for an answer, no matter how much we tried.

"Well I better get going if I want to beat the traffic. It was nice meeting you Katie, and I'll see you later ok Nathan." Jason said, walking past us as he exited the restaurant.

"Ladies first," I said as I opened the glass door.

"Why thank you kind sir," Katie said as she walked out the door.

"So, you and Jason seem pretty close."

"We are, we've been close friends since we were little," I said.

"I was nervous about coming to lunch today," Katie admitted.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"I've never really been all that good at making friends, I've always been the loner type most my life. So when I moved here, I was determined to go outside of my comfort zone, which is a lot of the reason why I introduced myself the day I moved in. When you asked me to lunch, I was unsure of what to do, cause I knew you were nice, but I hadn't met Jason yet."

"I see," I said as we continued walking towards our cars.

That explains that look last night, I thought. I remember when I asked her, she had this small panicked look on her face.

"But I'm glad I came, Jason and you are a lot a like," Katie said as she slipped her purse from her shoulder, opening it, as she began her search for her keys.

"I keep telling myself to go to a smaller purse," Katie muttered under her breath as she continued looking.

"Ah here they are," she triumphantly said, causing me to chuckle at her.

"Well I'd like to thank you for joining us today, I know what it's like to move to a new place and not know anyone," I said.

"Didn't you grow up here though?"

"No, I actually grew up about an hour from here."

"Why did you move?" Katie asked.

"Like you I guess, I just needed a fresh start," I said as Katie shook her head in understanding.

"Well this is me," I said as we reached my car.

"Looks like I parked next to you," Katie said.

I watched as she walked over to her car, unlocking the door before opening it. Katie got into her car as she entered the keys into the ignition.

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