Chapter Twenty-Four

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(Jason's pov)

"George they found him," I said, as George walked over to me.

The E.R had been short staffed so they asked me to help, until more nurses came.

I was about to leave when an ambulance pulled in, I watched as they brought a man into the E.R, it wasn't until I got closer to him that I realized it was Nathan.

"A-Are you sure," George said as tears filled his eyes.

"I promise you, it's him. They found them both."

"B-Both, what do you mean?"

"George, they found both of them, Lizzy and Nathan."

George's eyes grew wide as his legs seemed to give out. I wrapped my arms around him, before he could hit the floor.

"I got you," I said as I helped him over to one of the chairs that lined the hallway.

"Both of my kids are safe and alive?"

"Yes sir, Nathan is in surgery, he was shot in his leg, the bullet wasn't removed correctly, they're having to remove the rest of the bullet." George just shook his head.

"But he'll be ok right?"

"He has a lot of recovery but, I think he'll be just fine."

"And Lizzy, what about her?"

"She is currently going under heavy psychiatric testing right now, then the police have to talk to her."

"W-Why do the police have to talk her?"

"She has a part in Nathan's kidnapping George," I said as his face paled.

"O-Oh," was all he said, I looked up to see a few of Nathan's family members walking over to us.

"I need to go back to work, but if you need anything just tell someone to come get me ok."

"Ok." I stood from the chair as I walked in the other direction.

The hospital had already contacted Dr. Philip's, they were wanting him on stand by for when Nathan started to recover. Nathan had been missing for a month, everyone was worried about his mental stability and if he would relapse again.

Sighing, I walked back in the psych ward, continuing my work until I got word about Nathan.

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