Chapter Twelve

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"I can't believe I let him talk me into this," I grumbled to myself, as I finished tightening my tie.

My nerves were starting to get to me, this was going to be the first date I had been on, in like four years.

I guess having a failed marriage would put a damper on things though.

I had met my ex wife when I was twenty-five, we were married for about a year, before we split.

We had a pretty good marriage, I mean it wasn't perfect, but no marriage or relationship ever is.

I guess where we started to drift apart, was when she had her first miscarriage. It wasn't until the second miscarriage, that she started to actually pull away from me.

I'd try to comfort her, but she'd just pull away from me, it was as if my touch disgusted her.

Shortly after that, she handed me the divorce paper's, demanding I sign them. Which I did, if she was just going to give up on us, then why should I try so hard to save something, that couldn't be saved.

Sighing, I looked into the mirror, running my fingers through my hair again.

I felt like a damn teenager who was going on their very first date, why was I so nervous, it's not like I've never been on a date before.

My thought's were interrupted by a knock on the door. Looking down at my watch, I noticed it was already seven o'clock.

I gave myself one more once over, before heading towards the front door.

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