Chapter Sixteen

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(Nathan's pov)

By time I got home it was close to two o'clock in the morning, Lana and I had swapped numbers when I dropped her off at her apartment.

I was currently still sitting in my car, trying to look at the several text messages that Jason had sent me tonight.

I texted Jason, telling him I'd fill him in tomorrow on what had happened tonight.

Putting my phone in my coat pocket, I grabbed the keys from the ignition, exiting the car, as I made my way to my house.

I was halfway up the stone path that led to my front door, when I noticed broken glass laying on the ground.

I slowed my pace down, carful not to step on the glass as I made my way to my front door.

It wasn't until I reached into my pocket to get my keys, that I noticed the door was ajar. Removing my hand from my coat, I pushed the door open the rest of the way.

"Hello," I yelled out, holding my breath, carefully listening, trying to see if I could hear anything or anyone.

When I was met with silence, I eased my way into the house. My hand clumsily felt against the wall until I found the light switch, flicking the light switch back and forth a few times. No matter how many times I tried to turn the lights on, I still remained in the darkness.

Was the power down?, I thought as I opened the drawer to the table that sat against the wall, close to the door. Reaching in I grabbed the flashlight, turning it on, lighting the room enough for me to see.

I started to walk further into the house, when I heard the front door being slammed shut. I spun around, only to be met face to face with a man dressed in all black, and what looked like a metal pipe being gripped in-between his gloved hands.

Before I could put a little distance between us, he swung the pipe, forcefully hitting me in the head.

"Fuck," I screamed out as my body hit the floor, I grabbed my head as an excruciating pain erupted throughout my head. A loud ringing filled my ears, my vision blurred as I could feel blood trickling down my face. I rolled over onto my stomach, in my pitiful attempt of trying to get away from my attacker.

I had managed to get on my hands and knees, when the metal pipe could be felt being slammed down against my back, causing me to fall back onto the floor in even more excruciating pain.

"Now stay down," the man said in a thick Russian accent.

The only thing I could do was groan in pain, as the man began to drag my lifeless body into the living room.

The man was saying something in Russian before walking away, leaving me lying there, bleeding out onto the floor of my living room.

I listened as his footsteps became quieter and quieter, until all that remained was silence.

I have to get out, this is my chance, I thought to myself. I slowly lifted up onto my hands in knees, quietly groaning as I used the couch to help me stand.

My vision was blurred, some of the blood had spilled into my left eye, making it even harder to see.

I was using anything I could get my hands on as leverage, to support my shaky legs. I was almost to the door when I was tackled to the ground, he grabbed ahold of my shirt, flipping me over, so that I was facing him.

"I thought I told you to stay down." He brought his fist back, slamming it down against my cheek. My head turned to the side from the force, he angrily grabbed ahold of the collar of my shirt.

"I guess since you won't listen, I'll just have to make you." He let go of my shirt as he reached into the back pocket of his pants, pulling out a syringe filled with an unknown substance.

Panic coursed through me, as I watched him pop the lid off of the syringe. Looking around me, I was trying to find a way to get free, the I saw it, I saw the flashlight that I had dropped, lying only inches away from me.

I reached for the flashlight, until I could feel the metal material, brush against my fingertips. Wrapping my fingers around it, I used all the strength I had to swing it forward, smashing it against the mans temple.

He yelled out, dropping the syringe as his much heavier body fell off of mine. I hurriedly got to my feet, throwing open the door, as I ran from the house.

I stumbled down the steps, falling onto the soggy ground, at some point during the attack, it had started to pour rain.

Rising to my feet, I stumbled towards my car, well that is till a soaring pain shot through my right calf.

I screamed out in pain as what little strength I had left, crumbled. I fell to the ground, reaching down to grab my calf, only to see dark crimson blood, soaking through my pants.

Then that's when it hit me, did I just get shot?. Looking back towards the house, I could see the man standing on my porch, holding a gun in his hand with a silencer attached to it.

Walking down the steps, he started in my direction, he looked even more pissed off than earlier.

"N-No," I cried out as I started to crawl towards my car.

What did this man want from me?, what did I do to him?. My heart seemed to stop beating all together, when I looked behind me, he had caught up to me.

Reaching down, he grabbed ahold of my shirt, straddling my legs as he shoved the syringe into my upper arm, filing my veins with the unknown substance.

My heart rate seemed to be slowing down, my body was starting to feel lighter, I could feel my body starting to relax, as my eyes grew heavier.

"Sleep," was all the man said to me before everything here dark.

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