Chapter Twenty-Two

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(Jason's pov)

After the police got through questioning everyone, I went over to George's house to check on him.

When they had declared Nathan missing, George didn't take it so well. He was having to file another missing persons report, for the only kid he had left.

From what Nathan's aunt had told me, George had went missing, later that day. When they had found him, he was sitting in front of Martha's grave.

When Elizabeth went missing, he had his wife and Nathan to keep him half way sane.

Sadly, two years ago, Martha had passed away from a deadly car crash. That was around the time that Nathan and his Father, had started to work on their relationship.

Nathan's relationship between his parents, had really went down hill, when his addictions had started. Especially with his Mother, his Mother had basically given up on him, without even trying to help.

His Father on the other hand, tried for a while, but between the stress from Lizzy and then what Nathan was adding on, he eventually gave up as well.

Sighing, I pulled up to the local archives.

Katie had moved out of her house, about a day or so before, Nathan's disappearance.

The police were trying to locate her, so they could question her, but they've had no luck in locating her.

Did I think she had something to do with this, hell yeah I did, and I wasn't the only one, the police had marked her as a top suspect.

I may have left out a few details, about Katie, like how Nathan and I had suspected her to be his missing sister. I didn't need the cops thinking I was crazy, that and I didn't want to upset George more than he already was.

Pulling the keys from the ignition, I opened my door, exiting the car before locking it.

I walked towards the old building, feeling uneasy. The knots in my stomach, haven't left once since I found Nathan's house the way it was.

Walking into the building, I was immediately hit with the smell of old books. I started walking in the direction of the secretary's desk.

I was starting to feel really nervous, the Hanson Orphanage case was a very touchy subject around these parts. So to say I was nervous was an understatement, I just hoped I could find what I was looking for.

"Hello, how can I help you," the secretary asked me, once I had reached the desk.

"Um, I was wondering if there was any way I could take a look at the stuff that you have stored from the Hanson Orphanage case."

A few people around me, quit what they were doing to give me weird looks, that also included the secretary. From the corner of my eye, I could see a few people whispering to one another, while they would glance over at me from time to time.

"Sir is there any particular reason you want these record's?"

"A family member of mine had told me that at one point someone from our family had lived there, that and I was kinda hoping I could use some of the information I found for this paper I'm currently writing for school."

"Give me a minute," she said, before getting up from her chair and walking away.

I released a shaky breath, that I didn't know I had been holding. God I really hope she bought that, I was hoping my nerves wasn't showing to much.

The woman returned, with two other people with her. Are they security, I thought as I started to panic a little bit.

"Hi, my name is Bryce, I work as one of the historian's here, this is Jace, he is also a historian," Bryce said, I shook both of there hands before Jace picked up where Bryce had left off.

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