Chapter Fifteen

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(Lana's pov)

"I'm so glad we didn't stay at that restaurant," I said, finishing the last bite of the burger Nathan had bought for me.

After Nathan had asked me if I wanted to leave, we left the restaurant, stopping at a nearby burger joint. After we had gotten our food he drove us out to the lake, where we are now sitting on the hood of his car.

"You and me both." Nathan took a swig of his coke before looking over at me.

"Can I tell you something?"


"I really hate wearing suit's," Nathan said, I laughed as I watched him basically rip his tie off.

"I hate wearing heel's and dresses but Sara said I need to make a good first impression and blah blah blah" Nathan chuckled at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Jason said the same thing when he was going through my closet." Nathan was shaking his head in amusement.

"I think the last time I wore a suit was at my wedding," Nathan admitted.

"I didn't even wear heels at my wedding." Nathan looked over at me with a look on his face that I couldn't read.

"So since you wore heels tonight does that mean I'm special?" He asked as his lips wore a smirk.

"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart." Nathan stuck out his bottom lip as he made a pouting face.

Laughing, I kicked off my heels, letting them fall somewhere on the ground.

"God it's so peaceful out here," I said closing my eyes, listening to the gentle wind whip around us, causing little ripples in the water.

"I want to buy a house out here one day."

I hummed in agreement, opening my eyes before looking over at Nathan, he was laying against the windshield of his car, with his left arm tucked underneath his head.

His eyes met mine as I moved closer to him, reaching out, he pulled me closer to him, until I was cuddled up to his chest.

Sighing contently, I snuggled into his chest as his right arm wrapped around me.

"What would this house of yours look like?" I asked, looking up at him.

A small smile made it's way to his lips, as he looked down at me, before he looked back up at the stars.

"Honestly, I've never really given it much thought before."

"Maybe it would be a two story house, older looking, a big bay window for my art room, maybe there will be a few kids running around."

"What about a wife?"

"I guess if I were to meet the right girl then yeah, I'd definitely get married again," he said looking down at me.

"What about you Lana?"

"I don't know, your vision sounds perfect. Can I just steal yours?"

I laid there, waiting to hear his answer, but was only met with silence. When I never got an answer from him, I looked up to see him staring down at me.

"Nathan." My voice was barely over a whisper but I knew he had heard me.

Nathaniel repositioned us to where I was more on my side, while he slightly hovered over me.

My face felt as if it was on fire, at this very moment I was so glad it was dark out here, I was hopeful that he couldn't see just how much I was blushing.

Nathan's hand cupped my face, while his thumb lightly caressed my cheek. My breath caught I'm my throat, when his face inched closer to mine.

Our breath's became one, as our lips were only inches from each another, Nathan gently grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him as our lips finally touched.

My heart seemed to skip a beat as our lips moved against one another's, I was the first one to pull away from the kiss, breathlessly, I looked up at Nathan.

Nathan looked down at me, sharing the same look as me, blushing, I pulled Nathan down, reconnecting our lips, for another passionate kiss.

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