Chapter Twenty-One

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"Wake up." A harsh voice said.

I tried to open my eyes, but I was just so tired, all I wanted to do was sleep. At least if I was asleep it would make the time go by faster, I wouldn't be staring at blank walls all day, while negative thoughts flooded my mind 24/7.

"I said wake up!" The voice yelled, before a hard slap could be felt going across my left cheek. My eyes flew open as pain shot through my face, I gasped as I could feel a hand grab a hold of my hair, violently yanking my head back.

I had to blink my eyes a few times, for my vision to clear, when it did I was met face to face with an older man.

Was this Father?

Or just one of his henchmen.

His face scrunched up in disgust as he stared down at me. I started to feel uncomfortable, as he kept staring at me, it was as if he was studying every inch of my face.

While he was staring at me, I choose to use this time to get a better look at him.

He looked to be in his early to middle seventies, his dark brown hair had gray patches, he had deep scowl line's, like he was always frowning.

"You look like your Father," the man said as he let my head go, with a forceful shove forward.

He knew my dad?

How the hell did he know my dad?

My mind was full of questions as the man walked away from me, keeping his back towards me the whole time. I watched, as he stalked over to the table, that had been sitting in the middle of the room.

I didn't know exactly what was on that table, but I had a feeling that I didn't want anything to do with what was on there.

I anxiously watched as he picked something up, turning around, I saw that he was holding a serrated knife in his right hand.

My breath caught in my throat, as he begun to walk towards me.

What was he going to do to me with that?

Was this where everything ends for me?

Once he reached me, he carefully slipped the knife under the rope that had been used to restrain me. Sliding the sharp knife against the rope, I watched as it fell from my wrist, he then proceeded to move to my other wrist, then both my legs.

Why was he cutting me free?

I knew he wasn't letting me go, well unless this is one of those freak things, but I had a feeling it wasn't.

"I see those wheels of yours turning," the man said, I looked up at him as he stood from his crouched position.

"Don't get your hopes up, I'm not letting you go."

Welp, that answered my question.

"Why did you untie me?" I asked.

"Well look at that he does talk," the man said, smirking as he stared down at me.

"If you must know, I had specifically told them not to tie you up, especially after how banged up Vlad had left you."

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"Try and stand," he said as he stood right in front of me.

"Uh, ok."

I tightly grabbed the arms of the chair, slowly scooting closer to the edge of the chair.

I groaned in pain, as I could feel my stiff muscles practically screaming at me, after not being used for so long.

"Try not to put a lot of your weight on your right leg, we don't need your stitches popping open," he said as he walked away from me, going somewhere in the room where I couldn't see him.

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