Chapter 6

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"Metal baseball bats don't do shit, well if you want to play baseball that's all their good for." Honey said, knowing their plan was going to fail, so she had to save them cause she's the only one who can. 

Time skip to the next day

🌜Honey's PoV🌛

I don't care about what happens to them, but then again, they're all gonna get caught. So, I need to save them and find out why they need the money.

Mr Barnes' class

I enter the class to see Chloe talking to Courtney, probably about the heist. I have a really bad feeling about tonight.

"SO, I have the pop quizzes and only one of you got full marks, the rest of you failed." Mr Barnes said, in the snarkiest tone ever. 

Everybody's eyes shifted towards the kid with the messy hair and nerdy glasses, then Mr Barnes said.
"For once, it's not Connor, so don't go bugging him for the answers when we look it up."

Everyone was confused, because I assume that Connor always got full marks or close to full marks whenever they did these types of things. Then, he handed me the paper and I saw a 50/50 marks. But, I wasn't surprised because I was tested and they said that I was a genius.

People started to whisper, then a girl with straight blond hair said
"Who got full mark, cause if Connor didn't, then who did?" This causes a commotion in class.

After class

🌜Dragonfly's PoV🌛

I wonder who got full mark and Honey was awfully quiet. Maybe I should ask her.
I walk through the halls, to see Honey putting something in her locker and I saw the writing on the paper. It said 50/50, but how? She only just joined the class and didn't learn what we did. Something's fishy and its not the tacos their preparing in the cafeteria.

🌜Authors PoV 🌛

Honey closed her locker, then walked outside to take a call. She picked up the phone to see that the name displayed on the screen was 'DAD'
Honey panicked a bit, but held her composure.

"Hello father."

"Bumblebee, did you find the people who owes me money? Cause, if you can't, then I'll have to send Blud to give you a hand." Her father said sternly.

Honey gulped, because she was truly afraid of her father and what he is capable of.

"Give me a week dad and I'll find whoever has your money, just don't send Blud dad." She said, in a small state of panic.

"A week and then I send Blud. You better get me my money." He said.

"Bye dad." Honey said sadly.

He dropped the phone and didn't even say Bumblebee. Now Honey knows that her dad is truly pissed.
Who's Blud and why does Honey not want him there? Who owes Honey's father money and more importantly, who is Honey's father?


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